In this Issue:
- Greeting from the Governor
- Governor Election
- Highlights from the 2023 Tri-Service Annual Meeting
- 2023 Ohio / Air Force Scientific Meeting
- 2023 Veteran's Day Service Project
- Member Spotlight
- IM Week 2024
- Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
- New Chapter Members
- Mark Your Calendar!

Col Angelique N. Collamer, MC, USAF, FACP, ACP Governor
Greeting from the Governor
Greetings and Happy New Year! I hope everyone is doing well as we navigate another busy respiratory virus season and a continued high operational tempo in our MTFs. Time has really flown by since our fantastic November Tri-Service meeting! It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and meet many of you for the first time. We hosted over 350 participants from all 3 service branches, 119 posters were presented virtually in our "go green" poster initiative, 30 residents competed in podium presentations, and our Veteran's Day service project at the Armed Force Retirement Home was very much appreciated by the residents. Congratulations to all who participated, presented, and received well-deserved awards. I am grateful we had this time together to strengthen our relationships, support each other and immerse ourselves in complex material that will help us take better care of our patients. None of this would have been possible without the dedicated planning committee members who gave up their valuable time over the past year to make this meeting a success—thank you! I especially want to recognize Maj John Hunninghake as our lead Air Force meeting planner! We are already looking forward to our next meeting in 2024.
I am continually reminded of the challenges we face as comprehensive care physicians in a rapidly changing health care environment. Last week I found myself "recommended for retraining" due to spending more than 19 minutes and 47 seconds per patient in the electronic medical record. I was immediately reminded of the tenets of medical ethics, as written by Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, reminding us that healthcare is not a commodity, that treating it as such is deleterious to the ethics of patient care, and that health is a human good that a good society has an obligation to protect. Primum non nocere does not come with the caveat, "as long as it can be done in less than 19 minutes and 47 seconds!" Will we next be asked to stop all codes at a predetermined time in the name of "efficiency"? I am grateful for all of you and know that together we will collectively face these pressing challenges as a united voice for the ethical practice of healthcare. Together in our professional home, we remain steadfast in the mission to deliver quality and safe care, no matter what the circumstance or environment. I look forward to hearing from you and am happy to help solve your complex problems and patient dilemmas—no matter how long it takes! Stick to your Core Values and Aim High!
Angelique N. Collamer, MD, FACP
Air Force ACP Governor
Governor Election

Congratulations to Dr. Brian Neubauer, MD, MHPE, FACP on his election to be your next Chapter Governor! Brian will assume the position of Governor Elect at the National Meeting in April 2024 and take over the governorship in April 2025. Learn more about Dr. Neubauer.
Highlights from the 2023 Tri-Service Annual Meeting
It was great to see everyone at our November Tri-Service Meeting in Silver Spring, Maryland. I appreciate everyone who made our time together meaningful and productive. If you attended don't forget to claim your CME and MOC points.
Just click the "claim CME and MOC button". We appreciate your feedback and read each post-meeting survey, so please help us make next year's conference even better!
Below are only some of the outstanding accomplishments of our members who were recognized at the meeting.
Col (ret) Stephen D. McDonald, FACP, received our chapter's Laureate award in recognition of his years of service to the Air Force Medical Service and to our chapter. The Laureate Award is designed to honor those Fellows and Masters of the College who have demonstrated, by their example and conduct, an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, and research, and service to their community, their chapter, and the ACP.
Dr. McDonald is a Professor of Medicine at Wright State University. He is a past President of Society of AF Physicians, recipient of an ACP master teacher award and a past AF ACP Philip Keil awardee. He is an important and highly regarded contributor to the AF ACP during our former time as the Society of Air Force physicians. Additionally, Dr. McDonald was Internal Medicine program direction at WPAFB from 1982 to 1990 and Kettering Medical Center from 1990 to 2015. He continues to teach medical students and residents and provide endocrinology lectures to trainees of all levels.
Congratulations to Dr. McDonald!

Dr. McDonald receiving his award.
This year's Major General Archie Hoffman Awards for excellence were awarded to Maj Matthew Rendo, MD from WPAFB and Maj Nam Nguyen, DO from Keesler Medical Center. Dr. Rendo described a career highlight as treating a previously unresectable and locally invasive pancreatic cancer with a novel combination of radiation followed by immunotherapy. The tumor shrunk from 11cm to radiographically undetectable after 4 doses and the patient continues to do well four years later! Dr. Nguyen reported his favorite experiences in the military thus far have been his humanitarian deployments. He deployed to Scranton, Pennsylvania in January 2022 for 2 months as the Officer in Charge of a small military team to reinforce a civilian hospital during the omicron coronavirus surge, bringing much needed relief to a community in need. Congratulations to both!

Dr. Nam Nguyen

Dr. Matthew Rendo
The Lieutenant General (Dr.) Monte Miller Award recognizing an early career physician for contributions to the Air Force Medical Service in clinical investigation was given to Lt Col David Lindholm from the Uniformed Services University. Dr. Lindholm served as the site principal investigator for four NIH-sponsored randomized controlled trials as part of the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT), which led to the FDA approval of the first two therapeutics (remdesivir and baricitinib) for the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in the US. He describes participating in the ACTT study team as a major highlight of his career.

Dr. David Lindholm
The Dr. George Crawford Distinguished Medical Educator Award was presented to Lt Col Amanda Deans, MD, Internal Medicine Program Director from Keesler Medical Center. Dr. Deans has provided extensive medical education to all levels of trainees including over 60 intramural didactics and workshops. A testament to her dedication, she has been named Most Valuable Faculty twice and Ward Faculty of the Year three times.

Dr. Amanda Deans
The Col Rechell G. Rodriguez Award for Mentorship of Women in Medicine was presented to Lt Col Alice Barsoumian, MD of SAUSHEC. Lt Col Barsoumian is the chief of the BAMC Infectious Disease Service and the ID Consultant to the USAF Surgeon General. She sits on leadership committees for USU's Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Program and the Military Infectious Disease Research Program's Threat Prioritization Panel, directing the focus of operationally ID relevant research DoD-wide. She has mentored trainees to publish 7 first author manuscripts and present 25 times at scientific meetings.

Dr. Alice Barsoumian
Of the many fantastic plenary sessions at the meeting, two exceptional plenary speakers were recognized by our chapter. This year the Philip G. Kiel award, presented to a senior active duty or recently retired physician to commemorate that individual's leadership in a particular field, was awarded to BG Clinton K. Murry, MD, MACP, FIDSA (USA) for his lecture Ukraine, Medical Lessons Identified. The Malcolm C. Grow Memorial Lecture award is presented annually to an eminent civilian consultant chosen by the Chapter. This year we were pleased to award David Hostler, MD, MPH, FACP, FCCP for his lecture: Medice, cura te ipsum (Physician, Heal Thyself).
The winner of the Arthur Grollman Award, awarded to the outstanding resident research podium presentation, was Dr. Erin Currey from WPAFB for her podium presentation, "Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student Experiences of Death/Dying."
Congratulations all, well deserved!
Residency Competitions
The Tri-Service Meeting hosted a variety of resident, fellow, and ECP competitions and presentations. The winners of our Air Force resident events are recognized below:
Resident Clinical Vignette Podium: Dr. Emma Marshall, WPAFB - A Case of Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in an Active Duty Female after Local Anesthetic and Epinephrine Injection
Resident Quality Improvement Podium: Dr. John Arthur, WPAFB - Feedback Perceptions of First Year Medical Residents
Resident High Value Care Podium: Dr. Bryan Harper, WPAFB - Self-Perception and Nutrition in Obesity
Resident Clinical Research Podium: Dr. Erin Currey, WPAFB - Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student Experiences of Death/Dying
Resident Well Being and Professional Fulfillment Podium: Dr. Alicia Latta, WPAFB - Internal Medicine Resident Perceptions of the Role of the Patient Census

It was a Wright Patterson sweep!
Doctor's Dilemma 2023
The motivated AF team from Keesler Medical Center won our Air Force residency Doctor's Dilemma competition for the second year in a row! We look forward to great things at National ACP!

The Keesler AF Doctor's Dilemma Team: Dr. Emanuel Keiler, Dr. Ethan Arnold and Dr. Albert Dizon
Our Newest Master of the ACP!
It is an honor to be recognized for Mastership in the ACP (MACP), a distinction that recognized an individual's lifetime work and achievements. Congratulations to our newest Master, Col (ret) Theodore Freeman. The entire chapter is so proud of your many accomplishments!

Dr. Theodore Freeman
Our chapter is full of talented individuals and as your Governor I will do my best to recognize as many of you as possible. Please contact me with your ideas and nominations for the distinctions of Master of the ACP and for 2024 Laurette awards for our chapter.
One of the goals of the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ is to "recognize excellence and distinguished contributions to internal medicine." As a way of achieving this goal, the College offers 23 national awards and a number of Masterships each year.
Nomination information can be found here.
Thank you again to Dr. Derek Smith for heading up our awards committee. Like to be involved this year? Let me know!
2023 Ohio / Air Force Scientific Meeting
The Annual Ohio/AF Scientific Meeting was held October 19th and 20th at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus. As always, it was jam-packed with excellent educational opportunities and our Air Force team was strongly represented. I very much appreciate Lt Col Kathryn Burtson for taking the Air Force lead for our chapter!

Highlights from the Ohio / Air Force 2023 Meeting
2023 Tri-Service Critical Care Course
A huge thank you to Dr. John Hunninghake and Dr. Paul Cusmano for spearheading the Fundamentals of Critical Care Support course given prior to our Tri-Service meeting. This novel opportunity provided critical contingency operations skills to many of our residents and early career physicians.

2023 Veteran's Day Service Project
We had a strong showing at our Veteran's Day Service project! Thank you to Dr. Carlie Cerne, our 2023 lead Army meeting planner, for organizing the event.

Member Spotlight
I'm looking to highlight more of our accomplished members in all stages of their careers, so if you would like to see your mentor, student, trainee, colleague, or even you featured, please let me know!
IM Week 2024
I hope to see many of you in Boston this April! Please contact me and let's connect at the meeting!
For those attending, you won't want to miss these fantastic presentations from our distinguished members:

If you are presenting and not on this list—let me know!
Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
Please check out the ACP webpage for more information about fellowship. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
The basic requirements to apply for fellowship are board certification, licensure, clinical practice for 3 years out of residency, and being a dues paying member for the previous 3 years. In addition, additional requirements include other professional activities – teaching, community service, leadership, scholarship, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to achieve fellowship.
New Chapter Members
Let's extend a warm welcome our newest members:
Our New Master of the ACP:
Dr. Theodore M. Freeman
Our Newest Fellows:
Dr. William Bennett, V
Dr. Bashir El-Khoury
Dr. Jamie Geringer
Dr. Shelby Madden
Dr. Damien Morgan
Dr. Amanda Radtke
Dr. Matthew Wimmer
Our Newest Members:
Dr. Brian Chapman
Dr. Rosaly Diaz
Dr. Haeseung Kim
Dr. Nathan Mullen
Our newest Resident/Fellow Members:
Dr. Scott Clawson
Dr. David Deysher
Dr. Chad Gibbs
Dr. Kevin Hash
Dr. Spencer Stanfod
Dr. Hannah Tully
Our newest Medical Student Members:
Allen Archer | Kyle Binkowski | Emma Bowman |
Lani Brennan, VII | Daniel Butz | Nathaniel Campbel |
Alexandra Conway | Peter Coop | Alexis Felgentrager |
Jude Emego | Jason Foster | Connor Griffin |
Michael Haugh | Sullivan Hughes | Asish Katta |
Alexander King | Creed Mainz | Yuliva Mazo |
Natalie McDaniel | Veronica Najera | Mehar Nasir |
Amber Paski | Chelsey Preciado | Elizabeth Rivenbark |
Alecc Robitaille | Hannah Rogers | Nicole Saporito |
Shelly Sclater | Stephanie Stanley | Alyssa Tamburo |
Jayme Warner | Elizabeth Whetstone | Matthew Yu |
Mark Your Calendar!
18-20 April 2024 – ACP Internal Medicine Meeting, Boston, MA