
U.S. Navy Governor's Newsletter February 2024

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CDR Nancy L. Miller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

CDR Nancy L. Miller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Welcome

Happy February Everyone!

I hope this message finds you well, having enjoyed the holidays and New Year. It was great to see those in attendance at the TriService ACP meeting in Silver Spring in November! We learned a lot, connected with friends and had the privilege of recognizing our colleagues with our 2023 Navy Chapter Awards. The podium competition was fierce and the winners will present posters at the national meeting in April. Cheers to the Portsmouth Doctor's Dilemma team, who earned the opportunity to represent our chapter at the national competition in Boston.




Meeting Highlights

2023 Navy Chapter Awards

Laureate: Dr. Alfred Shwayhat

CAPT Patricia V. Petter Senior Leader: Dr. Catherine Berjohn

Young Leader in IM: Dr. Michael Roth

Sparks Award for Excellence: Dr. Robert Olejnik

Master Teacher: Dr. Rolf Graning

Medical Student of the Year: Dr. Byung Lee (awarded June 2023)

Staff Teacher of the Year: Dr. Peter McIntyre (Portsmouth), Dr. Tanner Slayden (San Diego), Dr. Paul Cusmano (Walter Reed)

Resident of the Year: Dr. Steven Patrick (Portsmouth), Dr. Alex Pazevic, (San Diego), Dr. Kathryn Flynn (Walter Reed)

Podium Winners

Clinical Vignette: Dr. Tyler Reed (Portsmouth), "Severe 3-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease Presenting as Intraoperative MI"

Quality Improvement: Dr. Jorge Santibanez (Portsmouth), "The Language Barrier as a Social Determinant of Health"

High Value Care: Dr. Danielle Touma (Walter Reed), "Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions in a Young Pregnant Woman: Troubleshooting When MRI Gadolinium is Contraindicated"

Doctor's Dilemma Team:

Dr. Tyler Reed, Dr. Jorge Santibanez and Dr. Steven Patrick



Congratulations to our newest ACP Fellows!

Dr. Sheldon Edwards

Dr. Robert Geis

Dr. Robert Fenequito

Dr. Amelia Goodfellow

Dr. Stephen Hughes

Dr. Michael Roth

Dr. Meridith Olsen

Dr. Khanh Phung

Learn more about FACP



Accessing your ACP Benefits

Check out the new ACP Connect App which allows easy access to ACP content and communities. Learn more about your membership benefits here.




2024 National ACP Meeting will be held in Boston, MA from April 18-20, 2024

for IM 2024. We'll be hosting a TriService Chapter reception at the meeting – likely Friday evening at the conference hotel, so please save the date. I'll share details with meeting attendees, as they become available.



2024 TriService ACP Meeting will be held in San Antonio, TX from September 23-25, 2024

Call for Speakers has been released and submissions are due NLT 29 February 2024 at 2359 via email

Interested in helping with meeting planning or execution? This is a great way to get involved and an easy FITREP bullet. Our lead Navy planner this year is Dr. Herman Pfaeffle herman.pfaeffle@gmail.com Please contact either of us if you'd like to volunteer!

Thank you for being part of our Navy ACP family. I look forward to seeing you at the national ACP meeting in April or our TriService chapter meeting in September!

Very respectfully,


Nancy L. Miller, MD, FACP

US Navy Chapter Governor
