
Utah Governor's Newsletter March 2025

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Scott C. Woller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Scott C. Woller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Greetings from the Governor

Dear ACP Utah Members:

A belated Happy New Year to you!

With the change in administration in Washington DC I wished to prioritize in this newsletter awareness of what our ACP is doing in 2025 to advance Internal Medicine priorities and objectives. Along with the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and American Psychiatric Association (APA) the ACP has provided a statement regarding the removal of data and guidance from federal websites and that may be found here. The ACP in conjunction with the AAFP, AMA, AAP, APA, and ACOG have advocated for the protection of Medicaid and that statement may be found here. You may contact our member of congress to ask them to protect access to care for Medicaid enrollees

The ACP in collaboration with the AAFP, AAP, and APA have released a statement that highlight the College concerns regarding the withdrawal of the US for the World Health Organization, and it may be found here. The ACP reaffirms the College commitment to equity and that statement may be found here.

With engagement comes a sense of agency and control. I acknowledge that oftentimes when communications such as those above emerge, a question within us arises: “YES, BUT WHAT CAN I DO TO FEEL EMPOWERED AND TO HAVE MY VOICE HEARD?” is your link sharing your thoughts and concerns through the ACP legislative center. Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts on behalf of internal medicine. An optimized link to all things advocacy-related may be found here. Furthermore, you are encouraged to contact us at contact@utahacp.com to share your voice. We have what is perhaps our strongest contingent of the ACP Advocacy Health and Public Policy Committee led this year by our Committee Chair Dr. Caroline Milne, MD, MACP, our Governor-Elect, Dr. Mary Tipton, MD FACP, committee member Dr. Cari Low, MD, FACP, and our rising University of Utah Chief Medical Resident, Dr. Madeline Foley, MD.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW for the 2025 ACP Utah Chapter Scientific Meeting March 6-7, 2025 at the Marriott University Park. This meeting will help you meet your needs as a physician and help you provide the best care for your patients using the latest information. If you have not done so already, please use this link to register for the meeting. A hearty thanks to Dr. Aaron Crosby, MD FACP, our Scientific Committee chair for once again proffering an exceptional program.

Thanks to each of you who responded to the hard work of our ý and Retention Committee led this year by Dr. Jennifer Scott MD, FACP Our Utah chapter ONCE AGAIN has been recognized with a top award for the Chapter Challenge Outreach to Unpaid ý. The ACP Utah Chapter was presented 2 (two!!) $1000 award stipends for Early Career Physicians to offset attendance at the Internal Medicine Meeting ACP 2025 in New Orleans. If you meet ECP criteria [an ECP is defined as a physician member of ACP who is within sixteen (16) years of medical school graduation and who is not a medical student or associate member of ACP] and wish to apply for this benefit, send an email to contact@utahacp.com.

Finally, I could not be more delighted to welcome Dr. Mary Tipton, MD, FACP as our next governor of the ACP Utah Chapter, effective April 3, 2025. It is my distinction to thank each of you for your engagement in our ACP Utah Chapter during my tenure as governor. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to have served in this capacity. I continue in awe of our Chapter leaders, and of each of you for how you everyday care for your patients and embody the best of internal medicine. Thank you for entrusting the role of ACP governor to me over these last 4 years.

I look forward to seeing you at our Utah Chapter meeting March 6-7, and I wish you and your loved ones an active, healthy, and prosperous 2025.


Scott C. Woller, MD FACP FCCP





Leading Physician Groups: Medicaid Program Must Be Protected

The statement below is issued by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ý and American Psychiatric Association:

“For decades, the Medicaid program has provided health care coverage for millions of people, including children and parents, low-income adults, older adults, pregnant patients, individuals with mental health and substance use disorders and individuals with disabilities, in communities large and small, urban and rural.

Our organizations, representing more than 400,000 physicians who serve millions of patients, are alarmed by proposals to implement cuts or other structural changes to Medicaid during the budget reconciliation process. Cuts to Medicaid will have grave consequences for patients, communities and the entire health care system. With reduced federal funding, it will be harder for patients to access care, states will be forced to drop enrollees from coverage, and it will limit the health care services patients can access and cut payment rates. Slashing already-low Medicaid payment rates will make it even harder for physicians to provide care to people covered under Medicaid and will ultimately increase health care costs as patients are forced to forgo vital preventive care.

Our members are not alone in support of Medicaid and concern for potentially reduced funding. Americans widely support Medicaid, with of adults in the U.S. saying they have had some connection to the Medicaid program, through their own coverage or coverage of a loved one. Imposing arbitrary restrictions and limitations on Medicaid enrollment runs counter to the mission of the program, which is to provide people with the health care coverage--and peace of mind--that they need.

The impact of cuts to Medicaid funding is significant and wide-reaching, and it must be reconsidered. Medicaid is a lifeline for our nation's most vulnerable — from visits with a primary care physician, to maternal health care and pediatrics, to labor and delivery services, to behavioral health and to preventive care that saves lives. To that end, it is of the utmost importance that Congress protect this vital program.”

Media contacts:

AAFP: Julie Hirschhorn jhirschhorn@aafp.org

AAP: Devin Mazziotti dmazziotti@aap.org

ACOG: Kate Connors kconnors@acog.org

ACP: Jacquelyn Blaser jblaser@acponline.org

APA: Erin Connors econnors@psych.org

Reminder: Register Now for ACP Advocacy Events

Leadership Day 2025 on April 28-29 – Registration and Hotel Reservations Now Open

Please join us in Washington, DC on April 28-29 for Leadership Day, ACP's annual national advocacy event. Leadership Day enables the College to increase its presence on Capitol Hill and provides ACP members with an opportunity to advocate directly with Congress in support of legislation directly impacting internal medicine physicians and their patients. Please note that Leadership Day is earlier this year, on April 28-29, which means that the deadline to register for this event and make hotel reservation is also earlier. : Deadline is April 10 · : Deadline is April 3 Hotel reservations can be made online at: ý Leadership Day at the Westin Washington, DC Downtown hotel at the discounted rate of $369 For more information about Leadership Day, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or contact ACP.

Submit a Breakout Session Proposal for Leadership Day 2025

ACP is excited to announce a request for proposals for breakout session presentations at Leadership Day 2025. ACP members are encouraged to either submit a proposal to be a presenter or share an idea they'd like to see added to the Leadership Day program if possible. We especially encourage medical students, resident/fellow members, early career physicians, and chapter advocacy leaders to consider submitting a proposal. For more information, and to submit your proposal, please see .

Nominations Open: Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award - Deadline March 25

Nominate one of your ACP colleagues for the annual Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award, which will be presented on April 28 during the Leadership Day program. This award recognizes individuals who have made exceptional efforts in support of the College's advocacy program. Nominees must be members of the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network (AIMn) program. . Nominations are due Monday, March 3.
