In this Issue:
- Greetings
- Highlights from the SC ACP 2019 Scientific Session
- Meet our Chapter Award Winners!
- Save the Date: SC ACP 2020 Scientific Session
- Student and Associate News
- ACP Advocacy 2019: A Success Story

Mary E. Poston, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Greetings SC ACP! We are excited to break in the new year with updates from our recent and upcoming activities! Be sure to visit our chapter webpage to keep up-to-date with chapter activities.
SC ACP is a 2019 Bronze Level Chapter Excellence Winner!
Highlights from the SC ACP 2019 Scientific Session
Over 130 physicians, physicians-in-training, medical students and advanced practice providers joined us for a little charm, culture and content that matters from 0ctober 25-27, 2019 in beautiful Charleston, SC. The meeting kicked off with fantastic poster and oral presentations by residents and students around the state, followed by a lively lunchtime Doctor's Dilemma competition. Meeting speaker highlights included a delightful discourse on The Visual Arts and Medicine by our Charles S Bryan lecturer, Richard Hoppmann MD FACP, as well as an informative talk on direct anticoagulants and the ever-popular College Update by visiting immediate past chair of the ACP Board of Regents, Andrew Dunn MD FACP. Our Early Career Physician group got 鈥渄own and dirty鈥 with a service activity/marsh clean-up with the Surfrider Foundation. You can get all the deets (that's 鈥渄etails鈥, for us old folks) by downloading the speaker presentations from our chapter website here.

Meet our Chapter Award Winners!
2019 SC ACP Young Physician Awardee 鈥 Laura A DalSanto MD FACP
Dr DalSanto completed a BS in Biology Cum Laude in 2007, received her MD degree from the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in 2012 and completed and IM Residency at Palmetto Health Richland in 2015. She has faithfully served our chapter in many roles, most recently as co-chair of Early Career Physician activities. Congratulations Dr DalSanto!
2019 SC ACP James McFarland Awardee 鈥揌arold G Morse MD FACP
Dr. Morse completed a BA from Trinity College in 1967, received his MD degree from Emory in 1976 and completed internship and residency at the University of Oregon in 1982 after serving in the Public Health Service at Indian Services Hospital in Kearney Canyon AZ. He recently retired after a long career educating future primary care physicians in his role as Faculty Coordinator of the Internal Medicine Curriculum for the Family Medicine Residency at AnMed in Anderson SC. He founded and directed several local free medical clinics and was repeatedly recognized for excellence in clinical work and community service. Well done Dr. Morse!
2019 SC ACP Laureate Awardee- William Moran MD MS FACP
Dr Moran completed medical school and residency at Georgetown University, followed by four years of service in the National Health Corps. He completed a Geriatrics Fellowship and Master of Science in clinical epidemiology from Wake Forest University in 1992 and served on faculty thereafter. He joined the faculty at MUSC in 2005, where he currently holds the title of McKnight Professor on Aging and Director of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. Dr. Moran is past president of the Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM) and has served on the ACGIM and SGIM Councils. We are very proud of all of your accomplishments and appreciate your service to SC ACP!
Save the Date: SC ACP 2020 Scientific Session
We hope to see you October 23-25, 2020 at the Charleston Marriott!! More to come soon!
Student and Associate News
Congratulations to our student & associate abstract and Doctor's Dilemma winners!
Resident Abstract Presentation Winners
Oral Presentations
Taylor Remillard, MUSC (Brucellosis case report) 鈥 Clinical Vignette
David Wilkerson, Prisma Health Upstate-GHS (Chemotherapy at end of life) 鈥 Research
Poster Presentations
Sarah Huse, MUSC (Middle mediastinal paraganglionoma) 鈥 3rd place Clinical Vignette
Mona Haj, MUSC (High output cardiac fistula/cardiorenal syndrome) 鈥 2nd place Clinical Vignette
Eric Polley, GHS (Pulmonary henoch schonlein purpura) 1st place Clinical Vignette
Sue Bentley, Prisma Health Upstate-GHS (HIV PREP in primary care) 2nd place Research
Wesley Smith, Prisma Health Upstate-GHS (Breast cancer screening) 1st place Research
Student Abstract Presentation Winners
Oral Presentation
Adam Spandorfer, MUSC (Noninsulinoma pancreatigenous hypoglycemia)
Poster Presentation
Morgan Penzler, USCSOM Columbia (Intramural gastric hematoma)
Wesley Smith (overall resident winner) and Adam Spandorfer (overall student winner) will represent SC ACP at the national ACP abstract competition in April in LA!
The winning Doctor's Dilemma team was Prisma Health Midlands Richland-USCSOM

ACP Advocacy 2019: A Success Story
Just a few highlights of ACP's advocacy successes in 2019

Want to be a part of ACP's advocacy efforts? Consider joining us at ACP Leadership Day on Capitol Hill, May 12-13, 2020. For more information email Mary Beth Poston, MD, FACP,SC ACP Governor
Make sure to sign up for ACP's Advocacy for Internal Medicine Network