In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Save The Date
- Introducing "Everyday Medicine" – A New Podcast from the OSU's Division of General Internal Medicine sponsored by the Ohio ACP Chapter
- Member Accomplishments
- Updates to the Education Curriculum
- Internal Medicine 2024
- Chapter Reception at IM2024
- Thank You to Our Chapter Volunteers
- ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair - March 5
- New State Health Policy Toolkit: Voter Registration and Equitable Access to Elections
- Resolutions Feedback

Moises Auron, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Dear ACP Ohio colleagues,
Just like a breeze, the first month of 2024 is already in the past! And what can seem to be very far away projects, suddenly they appear at our steps. One of these is the upcoming Annual ACP meeting in Boston, MA, which promises to be a fantastic meeting with a complex and very well-organized agenda, not limited to the need to visit a beautiful historic and vibrant city. I look forward with excitement to see our colleagues and friends from Ohio and all over the world. The opportunity to engage in fruitful conversations and gain insight into many issues, is just outstanding. Also, the opportunity to visit the posters and support our junior colleagues and trainees provides unparalleled joy and brings humility to the front, as it is a great privilege to learn from our students and residents. And certainly, it will be a celebratory meeting for many students who will find out next month where their destiny will be over the next few years and what best to celebrate than being in the largest and most important internal medicine meeting in the world. I truly hope to see many of you in our Ohio Chapter reception on Friday evening.
Within this spirit, I want to cherish and celebrate our youngest members, who are organizing a fantastic webinar on leadership: Physicians as Leaders in Medicine and the Community, led by our chair of the ACP OH Council of Resident and Fellow Members, Dr. Jaqueline Baikovitz and our chair of the Council of Medical Students, Ms. Anjali Fernandes (who will be Dr. Fernandes next month). I hope you can attend and support. In addition, Dr. Baikovitz must be celebrated as was elected to the ACP National Council of Resident and Fellow members, which is a true honor and huge accomplishment.
By now you may have already received the request for abstracts for medical students and residents for the poster competition at our annual ACP OH meeting next October in Columbus, OH. The abstract submission deadline: 11:59 PM, April 30, 2024. Please encourage your students and trainees to submit their research, QI, as well as clinical vignettes - if this is accepted it is prestigious, support their CV and professional development, and offer them an outstanding opportunity to present at a phenomenal meeting. Also, this accounts for engagement with ACP for any future leadership opportunity.
Our ACP Ohio 2024 meeting is almost completed. The scientific committee lead by the tireless and brilliant Dr. Katherine Schmidt has done a tremendous effort putting together a beautiful curriculum, which will make it a very worthy meeting to attend - not only you will have the opportunity to interact with all our Ohio colleagues but will be a great learning experience. And we will have the privilege of hosting Dr. Eileen Barrett as our ACP Leadership guest of honor.
Celebrations are important, and I want to highlight some additional accomplishments - Dr. Vignesh Doraiswamy was elected as an Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency program at Ohio State University. Dr. Richard Wardrop was elected as the Chair of the Internal Medicine Board for ABIM, as well as Grand Rounds Director for the High Value Practice Alliance (HVPA). Dr. Houman Varghai and his wife had a beautiful baby girl last January. Dr. Matthew Pappas will receive the Early Career Physician Award from SPAQI (Society for Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement). Please let us know your celebrations and accomplishments, we'll be proud to highlight them in our quarterly newsletter.
All of you have most likely already received a communication asking to provide your feedback regarding the proposed resolutions to be discussed at the Board of Governors in the ACP annual meeting. The input from the membership is crucial and fundamental to developing meaningful and relevant policy for the College. Please log in to the ACP site via the link provided in the e-mail, read the proposed resolutions, and provide your vote; you also can provide written feedback if you desire so. The resolutions that are approved move forward for evaluation and voting by the Board of Regents. Some move forward, some are referred for further study. For a resolution to become policy can take years – hence the membership's input is fundamental to enrich the content and to enhance participation in the process.
Besides my professional and academic responsibilities, I personally am enjoying the growth and development of my 11-month-old daughter, and the passion for sports (wrestling, football, soccer, and taekwondo) arts, math, and science of my 10-year-old son. Their passion for life and continuous learning are humbling and a true inspiration for me.
It is my privilege to express my gratitude and appreciation to all of you, for your passion for medicine, and commitment to our patients.
With respect and appreciation,
Moises Auron
Save The Date
The ACP Ohio/US Air Force Chapter Meeting will be held Thursday and Friday, October 17th & 18th, 2024 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The Planning Committee has two full days of CME sessions available as well as Doctor's Dilemma, and Resident and Medical Student Poster Competitions.
Introducing "Everyday Medicine" – A New Podcast from the OSU's Division of General Internal Medicine sponsored by the Ohio ACP Chapter
We're excited to announce the launch of "Everyday Medicine", our brand-new podcast from the Division of General Internal Medicine at The Ohio State University. Focusing on primary care, this podcast offers current and relevant information to medical professionals, delivered by our experts in Ohio. This insightful series is made possible through a collaboration with The Ohio Chapter of The Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½. Featuring Ohio's own experts, the podcast covers a variety of topics. In our upcoming episodes, listen to updates in STI screening and management with Dr. Francisco Mangana, delve into population health with pharmacist Kelli Barnes, explore obesity management with Dr. Sara Li and Dr. Allison Rhodes and much much more.
Don't miss this enriching experience. Subscribe to "Everyday Medicine" on your favorite podcasting platforms:
Soon you will be also able to find all our show notes and transcripts on OSU's GIM Division
This podcast is produced and hosted by Christopher Chiu, MD, FACP.
Join us in this educational journey to enhance medical practice and knowledge!
Member Accomplishments
Congratulations to Jacqueline Baikovitz, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation on being elected to the 2024-25 national ACP Council of Residents and Fellow Members!
(January 2024) Read details about this council here
Cheers to Moises!
(February 2024) Dr. Auron has been elected as President-elect of Cleveland Clinic Main Campus Medical Staff, to take over as President in 2025.
Moises Auron, MD joined Cleveland Clinic in 2007 and serves as a staff physician in the Department of Hospital Medicine and the Department of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Dr. Auron is also a Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine and serves on the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Committee of Admission, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT), Faculty Council, Faculty Council steering committee, and is a Master Teacher of the Academy of Scholar Educators.
He is triple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Pediatrics Hospital Medicine. Dr. Auron is an esteemed clinician-educator interested in high value care, clinical reasoning and evidence-based medicine, blood management and perioperative medicine. He is a servant leader who is passionate about supporting the personal and professional growth and development of his colleagues and trainees.
Dr. Auron received his medical degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico School of Medicine in Mexico City and later completed his residency in internal medicine at the Salvador Zubiran National Institute of Nutrition and Medical Sciences, also in Mexico City. He finished an additional residency in internal medicine-pediatrics at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. He completed the Advanced Training Program in Healthcare Delivery Improvement at Intermountain in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Congratulations to Richard Wardrop, III, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM
Richard Wardrop has been chosen by the ABIM Board of Directors as the next chair of the Internal Medicine Board. Dr. Wardrop's term as Chair will begin July 1, 2024, and ends on June 30, 2025.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Wardrop on his new role.
Updates to the Education Curriculum
We have a variety of webinars scheduled for 2024. Please mark your calendars so as not to miss any of these outstanding speakers!
Physicians as Leaders in Medicine and the Community: A New Frontier in Medical Training and Practice with Jacqueline Baikovitz, MD, and Anjali Fernandes, MS4
Tuesday, March 12th at 7:00 PM EST
A Practical Approach to Pain Management for the internal Medicine Physician with Keyvan Ravakhah, MD, FACP
Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00 PM EST
Belonging, Well-being, and Authentic Leadership in Medicine
Panel lead by Susan Hingle, MD MACP; participants: Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP; Marion McCrary, MD, FACP; Varalakshmi Janamanchi, MD, FACP.
May – Date TBD
Emotional Intelligence: A Fundamental Skill for the Internal Medicine Physician with Farzana Hoque, MD, MRCP, FACP, FRCP
Thursday, June 6th at 7:00 PM EST
How To Succeed in Residency with Craig Nielsen, MD, MACP and Richard Wardrop III, MD, FAAP, FACP, SGHM
July 2024
Case-Based Management of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome with Chaidi Alraies, MD, MPH, FACC, FACP
August 15, 2024, at 7:00 PM EST
Learner Assessment in Competency Based Medical Education with Atul Thakar, MD, FACP
September 2024
Internal Medicine 2024
We are pleased to announce that the following Ohio Chapter members will be speaking during IM2024.
Pelin Batur – "Does this Abnormal PAP Test Need Follow Up? A Case-Based Approach to Personalized Cervical Cancer Prevention Using New Result Management Guidelines" – April 19th.
Pelin Batur – "A Complete Contraceptive Toolkit: What's New in Contraception" – April 20th
Ellen Gelles – "Making the HER Work for Us, Not Vice Versa" – April 20th.
Brett Glotzbecker – "The Acutely Ill Patient with Cancer: What Every Hospitalist Needs to Know" – April 20th.
Douglas Joseph – POCUS for DVT Diagnosis – Clinical Skills Center
Eric Kim – "Integrating and Optimizing Patient-Entered/Patient-Generated Data into Clinical Workflows" – April 18th.
Debra Puffenberger – POCUS for DVT Diagnosis – Clinical Skills Center
Shilpa Sridhar – Waxman Scholar
Shilpa Sridhar – Ultrasound-Guided Thoracentesis – Clinical Skills Center
Sharon Sutherland – "Does this Abnormal PAP Test Need Follow Up? A Case-Based Approach to Personalized Cervical Cancer Prevention Using New Result Management Guidelines" – April 19th.
Nita Walker – "Expanding Our Lane in Health Equity: This is Me" – April 20th.
Richard Wardrop – Helping Health Care Heal: Reducing Barriers to Physicians Receiving Mental Health Care" – April 18th.
Chapter Reception at IM2024
If you are planning to attend ACP Internal Medicine in Boston, please be sure to join us at the chapter reception on Friday, April 19th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm as we celebrate all the member accomplishments from the past year. It is always a nice way to celebrate with your colleagues.
Thank You to Our Chapter Volunteers
Recently a group of members from the Cleveland area (organized by our Resident Chair, Jackie Baikovitz) volunteered to pack boxes for MedWish.
MedWish International is a nonprofit organization that saves lives and the environment by repurposing surplus medical supplies and equipment to provide humanitarian aid to people in need.

Left to Right: Gianina Flocco (IM Resident CCF Fairview), San Kim (IM Resident CCF Fairview), Craig Nielsen (Primary Care Physician, Former ACP Ohio Governor, CCF), Nayan Agarwal (Primary Care Physician, CCF), Kathryn Teng (Primary Care Physician, Physician Executive), Paul Shaniuk (Hospitalist, VA), David Chighvinadze, Jacqueline Baikovitz (IM Resident CCF), Samantha Marazita (IM Resident CCF)
ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair - March 5
Announcing ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair, March 5, 6-9pm ET. This event is for you if you're completing your residency or fellowship or you're a practicing physician.
to chat with recruiters & browse open positions. FREE!
New State Health Policy Toolkit: Voter Registration and Equitable Access to Elections
Following ACP's recent policy brief on the College has prepared a new toolkit addressing the important direct and indirect links between voting and health. This resource provides information on election dates, voter registration deadlines, and how you can encourage civic participation in your practice.
ACP is also partnering with Vot-ER, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to integrate civic engagement into healthcare. Vot-ER develops nonpartisan civic engagement tools and has expanded programs into over 500 hospitals and clinics around the U.S. and helped tens of thousands of Americans register and prepare to vote.
You can use to request a free badge from Vot-ER featuring a QR code that your colleagues and patients can scan on their mobile devices, allowing them to check their registration status, update their voter records, register to vote, and/or request a mail-in ballot.
I hope you will join me in promoting civic engagement using these resources.
Resolutions Feedback
Dear Colleague,
We would like to request your feedback regarding resolutions that will be considered at the Spring 2024 Board of Governors Meeting. The resolutions have been posted on ACP Online for your review and cover an array of topics such as continued coverage for colon cancer screening, vaccine incentives, and state-level prescription drug affordability boards.
After considering the intent of each resolution and how it fits with the College's Mission and Goals please provide your feedback on each resolution, and indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by midnight ET March 13th. Your input will be used as part of testimony on behalf of the chapter.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to provide comments regarding these resolutions. By providing your feedback on the Board of Governors resolutions, you have helped to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine. Please visit the chapter's Web site after the Spring 2024 Board of Governors meeting for updates.
(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)
Read/Comment on Spring 2024 BOG Resolutions