In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Meeting
- 2023 Abstract Competition
- Congratulations to the 2023 Drs. Dilemma Champions!
- Chapter Award Winners
- Story Slam at Ohio ACP
- Save The Date
- Ohio Chapter CME Webinar Series
- Hot Topics

Moises Auron, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
We have just celebrated Thanksgiving sitting in the table along with our family. This is, as always, an extraordinary opportunity to stop and reflect. To think about what we should be grateful for. I personally, appreciate the opportunity to be with my family and see my children grow healthy and happy; and, for the opportunity to serve and help my patients to whom I owe the very reason of my profession. I'm also very grateful for the immense privilege to serve and help others, to be a colleague, friend, mentor, mentee, student, teacher, etc.
Also, we can't ever take for granted the privilege of serving. We receive an extraordinary opportunity to have an impact in our profession, and in our colleagues' lives and careers. As physicians, we are a strong voice in society and must use it wisely, always with the goals to enhance the opportunity of increasing equity in access to healthcare for all, as well as to promote autonomy peace, respect, and tolerance in all domains of life.
Recently we had a very relevant democratic experience that highlights the fight and support for autonomy and respect. In our state, people have chosen freedom and respect to their own ability for decision making without the intromission of external forces. In what matters to us, the preservation of the respect to the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship is truly fundamental. The respect to confidentiality and ability to take the best decision to support our patients' wellbeing and personal growth is simply untouchable, and we'll always be the strongest supporters of the respect and preservation of the autonomy of patient-physician decision making. We must be grateful to live in a democracy that truly allows freedom and the ability to choose rather than being imposed.
On another note, education is one of the most important and powerful tools we have. The more knowledge and ability to implement it is what makes the difference between the unconscious incompetence and expertise. We can't take for granted all the wise colleagues who continuously serve and share their time and wealth of knowledge with us. We not only have a superb annual meeting, but a robust longitudinal world-class monthly educational experience with outstanding speakers. I must provide my public recognition to Dr. Kate Schmidt and the ACP Ohio Annual meeting scientific committee for having organized an extraordinary and very successful annual meeting this past month of October in Columbus. The energy, enthusiasm and passion for learning, networking, and enjoying being with our colleagues was palpable and inspiring. And now we have an innovation, which is that whoever wants to speak in the meeting can submit their proposal for plenary, workshop, or rapid-fire sessions. I look forward to our 2024 meeting with faculty that was selected based on their submissions and learn from them.
In regards with our monthly webinar series, each session allows to have exposure to a broad range of topics. We have heard about ChatGPT in healthcare, about leadership and mentorship, about wellness; and in one week, we'll have a webinar about one of the novels and most feared complications in surgical patients – MINS – myocardial ischemia in non-cardiac surgery, with a world-renowned expert who leads the current written guidelines on the topic. This education allows us to enhance our value proposition, and we must remain grateful for technology and access to education.
Within this context, I want to share that our chapter is providing a great opportunity for professional development. From all the monthly webinars, 3 webinars each year – October, February, and June, will be focused on Leadership. If you attend six of these webinars over the next 2 years, the ACP Ohio Chapter will provide a “Leadership Development Certificate” which will carry the weight of 6 CME hours, and which will be a nice enhancement for our colleagues' CV, especially our early career physicians. These sessions offer a nice scaffolding on which you can build up further leadership experience and provides an opportunity to interact with thought leaders and network with other colleagues. Please consider attending as many sessions as possible and take advantage of this opportunity.
Once again, thank you to all for allowing me the privilege to serve you and our patients. I wish all a very warm, happy, healthy, hopeful, and peaceful holiday season.
With gratitude and respect,
Moises Auron, MD, FAAP, FACP, SFHM
Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Meeting
The 2023 Ohio/Air Force Chapters Scientific Meeting was held Thursday and Friday, October 19th, and 20th at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, I want to personally thank Kate Schmidt, MD, FACP and the planning committee for producing an outstanding meeting.
2023 Abstract Competition
Congratulations to the following poster winners. First place winners will automatically be entered into the National Poster Competition to be held during IM2-24 in Boston next April.
Medical Students
Clinical Vignette
1st Place – Jack Hermsen, University of Cincinnati
Detection of Carcinoid Syndrome Heart Disease Prior to Symptom Onset
2nd Place - Roshni Kailar, Case Western Reserve University
To Treat or Not to Treat: Management of Castleman Disease without Excisional Node Biopsy proven Disease
3rd Place - Eileen Yu, Case Western Reserve University
Hypercoagulability in Antiphospholipid-Negative Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
1st Place - Dasha Giger, Wright State Boonshoft School of Medicine
Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student Experiences with Critically Ill/Dying Patients During Their Clerkship Years
2nd Place - Robert Gonzalez, Ohio State University
Timing of Palliative Care Referrals Among Pancreatic CA Patients at an Academic Medical Center
3rd Place - Omer Ashruf, NEOMED
Safety and Efficacy of Paxlovid in Moderate-Severe Chronic Kidney Disease with COVID-19 Real World Data from 1,905 Patients
Quality Improvement
Honorable Mention – Sahana Holla, Ohio State University
Improving Inconsistent Documentation at Federally Qualified Health Centers
We would like to thank Haroon Shah, MD, University of Toledo for chairing the Medical Student Poster Competition!
Clinical Vignettes
1st Place - Morgan Starkey, MD, MetroHealth
Advanced Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma in a 37-Year-Old Breast Cancer Survivor; A Rising Problem
2nd Place - Fehmida Laxmidhar, MD, NEOUCOM
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Secondary to Disseminated Histoplasmosis
3rd Place - Lisa Younk, MD, University of Cincinnati
The False Promise of a Cure: Intentional Ingestion of Hydrogen Peroxide
1st Place - Kayla Trautman-Buckley, MD, Mercy St. Elizabeth
Evaluating the Impact of Narrative Medicine Workshops on Reflective Learning, Empathy, and Burnout: A Prospective Cohort Study
2nd Place - Andrea House, MD, Ohio State University
Pregnancy Complications in Sickle Cell Disease
3rd Place - Blake Leeds, MD, Ohio State University
Unveiling the Burden of Chronic Nausea: Examining Exacerbating Factors and Impacts on Quality of Life
Quality Improvement
1st Place - Adam Reitz, MD, Riverside Methodist Hospital
A Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Amongst a Patient Population Affected by Social Determinant
We would like to thank Mariah Barlow, MD, FACP, Ohio Health, for chairing the Resident/Fellows Abstract Competition!
Another round of thanks to all those members who helped to judge abstracts and posters. Without your generous gift of time we would not be able to hold this educational event.
Congratulations to the 2023 Drs. Dilemma Champions!
Gold - Cleveland Clinic Akron General
Venkat Tondapu
Jashanjit Turka
Guy Leonard
Silver - Summa Health System
Michael Granieri
Kyle Devault
Phuong Uyen Vo
Bronze - MetroHealth
Stephanie Jackson
Shaikha Al-Shokri
Elysha Whitesel
Thank You to our Drs. Dilemma Committee!
Houman Varghai, MD, FACP (UC), Chair
Rakesh Bhalla, MBBS, FACP, (CCF), Judge
Andrei Brateanu, MD, FACP (CCF), Judge
David Regule, MD, FACP, (St. E Youngstown), Judge
Chapter Award Winners
Congratulations to the following Chapter Award Winners:
The James S. Tan, MD, MACP Laureate Award was given to G. Patrick Ecklar, MD, MACP. Pat has been involved with the Ohio Chapter for many years and we are honored to be able to present him this award.
The Evelyn V. Hess, MD, MACP Master Teacher Award was given to Susan Budnick, MD, FACP.
Two members received Mastership this year. Craig D. Nielsen, MD, MACP and Michael J. Tan, MD, MACP. Congratulations and appreciation to both for their service to ACP and to our Chapter.
Story Slam at Ohio ACP
Richard Wardrop – Chair Ohio ACP Wellbeing Committee
We are very excited to have hosted our inaugural ACP Ohio Story Slam Event themed on “On Being a Doctor”. For those not familiar with Story Slams, it is a narrative story telling event modelled after the ý (ACP) on Being a Doctor Story Slam.Students, Residents, members, and Fellows from across the state share their stories with a rapt audience in this special event!
Story-telling activities are a way to share the humanity of the medical profession in a unique and engaging manner. We collectively hope that this type of activity will go a long way to illuminate the power of the narrative in our professional lives and help link our professional experiences with those that are more basic as human beings. We hope to include this and other Narrative Medicine activities in next year's meeting, so please stay tuned and share your ideas for stories next year!
Thanks to all those who participated in this year's event:
Host - Dr. Richard Wardrop - The oral tradition in Medicine - Cleveland
1. Zara Orozco - Student NEOMED
2. Dr. Paul Shaniuk -Cleveland
3. Dr. Christopher Barlow - Columbus
4. Dr. Jackie Baikovitz - Resident Cleveland
5. Dr. Rashmi Ganith - Columbus
6. Dr. Nayan Agarwal - Cleveland
7. Dr. Huxley Miller - Cincinnati
8. Dr. Moises Auron – Cleveland

Save The Date
Ohio/Military Chapters Combined Reception – Friday, April 19th, 6:00-7:30 pm
Leadership Day – May 2024
Ohio/Air Force Annual Chapter Meeting – Thursday and Friday, October 17-18, 2024, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center
Ohio Chapter CME Webinar Series
Don't forget that we will be hosting webinars monthly throughout 2024. Each 1-hour webinar is free to attend and will qualify for 1 CME credit. Upcoming topics include MINS, Advocacy, Workplace Violence, Women in Medicine, as well as Leadership Development courses throughout the year. Please see the entire list of topics and dates by visiting our chapter website
Hot Topics
Register now for ACP's and Annals of Internal Medicine's Forum on Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Screening.
ACP members can register for ACP's and Annals of Internal Medicine's virtual live event “Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Screening,” to be held Dec. 6 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. ET. A panel of experts will discuss screening options based on diagnostic test accuracy, effectiveness, and potential harm and will also address questions submitted before the event. The forum will be moderated by Ana María López, MD, MPH, MACP, professor of medical oncology and integrative medicine and nutritional sciences and a faculty fellow of Jefferson Humanities and Health at Sidney Kimmel Medical College; director of integrative oncology and associate director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center; and a National Cancer Institute-designated senior advisor on ambulatory telehealth for Jefferson Health Telemedicine Program at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. The panelists joining the discussion include:
Michael Bretthauer, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Oslo, chair of the clinical research center in the department of transplantation medicine at Oslo University Hospital, gastroenterologist at Oslo University Hospital, and associate editor for Annals of Internal Medicine.
- Carol A. Burke, MD, FACP, polyposis section leader at the Sanford R. Weiss, MD, Center for Hereditary Colorectal Neoplasia and program director for the Carol A. Burke, MD-Sheetz Family Endowed Fellowship in Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Syndromes at the Cleveland Clinic.
- Carolyn Janet Crandall, MD, MS, MACP, professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Chair of ACP's Clinical Guidelines Committee.
is required to participate in the virtual forum. A recording will be freely available to view after the event.
Spring 2024 Cardi-OH ECHO Clinic: Registration Now Open!
Health Equity and Cardiovascular Risk
February 1 - April 18, 2024
Thursdays, 8-9 a.m. ET
Limited spots available.
CME credits offered at no cost.
Cardi-OH has partnered with Project ECHO® to increase the capacity of primary care providers to safely and effectively treat cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Cardi-OH ECHO uses a hub and spoke model featuring expert-led didactics and case-based learning in a 12-week virtual clinic.