The James S. Tan, MACP Laureate Award
Description: This award honors those Fellows or Masters of the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ in Ohio who have demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, or research and in service to their community and the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½.
- Master or Fellow of the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ for at least 15 (fifteen) years.
- Must be an exemplary physician involved in patient care.
- Must be a role model for younger physicians and house staff
- Must be recognized as a helpful consultant.
- Must be active in local teaching activities.
- Must be involved in services and activities in the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½.
- Academic performance and publication is not necessarily a principle characteristic to be sought for this award.
- The awardee is to be nominated by a process that can originate from the Awards Committee or from any member of the Ohio Chapter, Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½. The nomination must document the personal attributes and accomplishments of the Master or Fellow being nominated.
- Current Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
- Letter of proposal from an ACP member who knows the nominee well.
- Seconding letter from an ACP member who knows the nominee well.
The Evelyn V. Hess, MD, MACP Master Teacher Award
Description: This award is to recognize Master Teachers of Medicine who have been active in teaching medical students, residents, and/or peers. The award is different from that of the Laureate Award which has as its emphasis on excellence in exemplary practice, consultation, and advice and support of colleagues.
- Master or Fellow of Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½
- Documented 10 (ten) years of teaching beyond the nominee's completion of training.
- Nominations must come from one of the following and this nominating letter may also serve as either the letter of proposal or the seconding letter:
- a. Chair of the Department of Medicine of one of Ohio's medical schools; b. Program Director of one of Ohio's Internal Medicine or Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Programs; c. Director of Medical Education/Designated Institutional Official of an Ohio hospital.
- Current Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
- Letter of proposal from an ACP member (or Associate Member) who knows the nominee well. This letter of proposal may be the one from the educational leader who is nominating the candidate.
- Seconding letter from an ACP member (or Associate Member) who knows the nominee well.
Volunteerism and Community Service Award
The Ohio Chapter Volunteerism and Community Service Award was developed to recognize the work of ACP members who are involved in volunteerism and community service activities. This award also enables the chapter to raise the level of awareness and promote dialogue and action around volunteerism within the State of Ohio. Volunteerism is an admirable and aspirational aspect of our career as internists.
- Master, Fellow or Member of the Ohio ACP. Self-nominations are not permitted.
- The services must have been performed on a voluntary basis and not as part of the requirements for completion of training, or as part of the duties of a paid position of the nominee.
- Volunteer work must have been done as a physician and must be medically related.
- Brief biographical sketch and contact information for the nominee.
- Current Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
- Nominating letter from an ACP member, fellow or master that provides a detailed description of the impact that the volunteer program or activity has had on the target group or the general community.
- One or two letters of support besides that of the nominating physician may significantly strengthen the nomination. These letters may be provided by persons not affiliated with the ACP who are extremely familiar with the physician nominee in the course of the performance of the nominee's volunteer activity.
Internist of the Year Award
Description: This award seeks to honor an internist considered to be a role model by his/her peers. Nominees should possess excellent clinical skills, dedication to patients, enthusiasm for medical practice, leadership, and the ability to maintain humanity and a healthy balance between professional and personal interests that we can all strive to emulate. Internists who have championed innovations in practice to promote healthy patient behaviors will be given special consideration.
- Fellow or Master of the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ or similar credentials.
- General internist or subspecialist.
- Has been in clinical practice or teaching setting more than 10 years.
- Has distinguished him/herself in his/her local or regional communities in one or more of the missions of the ACP including:Clinical practice, Teaching, Research, Administration, Professionalism, Service to the Community
- Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
- Two supporting letters from physician members of the Ohio ACP. These letters should be from people who know the Nominee well and can attest to the effectiveness of the nominee in furthering the Mission of the American College of Physician.