
North Dakota Governor's Newsletter March 2025

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Joshua C. Ranum, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Joshua C. Ranum, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Greetings colleagues,

In just a month it will be an internist's favorite rite of spring – the Internal Medicine Meeting in New Orleans. We have a good number registered so far and for those that are interested in attending there's still plenty of time to .

The Chapter is having a reception at the New Orleans Aquarium on Friday evening from 6-9 PM. Please email Carla this week if you haven't already RSVPd. Carla.beach@und.edu

After promising it for several months, we had our first Virtual Doctor's Lounge in February. This was done in collaboration with the South Dakota Chapter. A big thanks to Dr. Cameron Charchenko for sharing his urologic expertise with us. The format was highly interactive yet still provided a number of great pearls. I'm not a note-taker but took two pages of notes and have put some new strategies into action already.

The next Lounge will be this week on Thursday, March 6. It will feature Dr. Mark Vercel, a rheumatologist in Sioux Falls. He will discuss practical rheumatology for the internist and answer questions that you may have. I'm hoping someone asks him what to do with a positive ANA test!

Thursday, March 6, from 7-8pm CST
SD & ND Roundtable Zoom - Meeting ID - 839 5497 2070; Passcode – 327984

It will be a few months before we do another one. Please let me know if you have specialties or topics of interest you'd like to hear about or if you'd like to volunteer as a content expert. It's a great way to get your message out – you don't need to have a formal presentation just show up and dispense wisdom.

For those with CME money to spend and a hankering for addition knowledge, the completely redesigned MKSAP has been released. It's a substantial upgrade to an already robust program.

Finally, for those of you who are not yet fellows, please consider one of the pathways to ACP fellowship. I'll be reaching out to eligible members in the coming months. We are planning a few informational sessions in conjunction with the Minnesota Chapter where you can learn more or, as always, please feel free to contact me directly.

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in New Orleans.

Josh Ranum
ND ACP Governor
701-928-0987 (c)