In this Issue:
- Welcome to ACP New Mexico New Governor's Advisory Council Members
- Call for Abstracts Deadline: August 16, 2024 at 11:59PM MT
- 2024 New Mexico Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting
- Call for Award Nominees
- Resolutions Feedback
- New ACP Paper Calls for Evidence-Based Public Health Approach to Cannabis Regulation
- American Society of Nephrology Now Accepting Applications for New Loan Mitigation Program

Alisha Parada, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Dear New Mexico ACP members,
So much has happened since our last newsletter! I have officially taken over as the NM governor which occurred at the National ACP meeting this past April in Boston.
I would like to thank Dr. Heather Brislen for her outstanding leadership of our chapter over the past 4 years. I definitely have big shoes to fill!
This past May, I was also fortunate to join a few of our NM ACP members at Leadership Day in Washington, DC. This year's event had representation from all 50 states, which was a first for leadership day! If you have never participated in ACP leadership day, I highly encourage you to do so in the future. We have funds to help with travel expenses. Please watch in the future for a call for applications.
Now that we are quickly headed to fall, please consider joining us for 2-NM chapter events. This year, our education committee has decided to separate the Resident and Student Poster Competition and the Scientific Meeting. The Poster Competition and Oral vignette competition will be held on the University of New Mexico on October 26, 2024. Parking is free and we are currently seeking judges. Please see below for additional information.
Our NM chapter Scientific conference will be held November 8, 2024 in Santa Fe, NM at the El Dorado Hotel. We have an incredible curriculum scheduled and we hope to see you there!
You may have seen an email recently with a call for nominations for chapter awards. Please consider nominating a colleague or self-nominating. I know we have a lot of incredible physicians in our state that have made significant contributions to our chapter and our patients. See the link below to submit nominations by August 1, 2024.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I would love to hear from you to know how we can engage more members in our chapter!
Alisha Parada, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP- New Mexico 2024-2028
Welcome to ACP New Mexico New Governor's Advisory Council Members!
- Nat Prapsari, MD FACP
- Maria Hoober, MD
- Heather Brislen, MD, FACP
- Jeanne A Lunz, MD

Call for Abstracts Deadline: August 16, 2024 at 11:59PM MT
If you are interested in participating as a judge for the ACP NM Competitions, please use the following link to volunteer before July 29th.
ACP NM Judging Requirements
Reviewer of abstracts | Read approx. 10 abstracts and then score them | Between Aug 18th and Sept 1st | Approx. 1 hour | At your home or office computer |
In-Person Poster Judge | Judge Posters | Oct. 26th | In-Person at Resident/Student Day | Albuquerque, NM |
Oral clinical vignette Judge Doctor's Dilemma Judge |
View approx. 4 vignettes and then score them View DD Competition and judge |
Oct. 26th | In-Person at Resident/Student Day | Albuquerque, NM |
2024 New Mexico Annual Scientific Meeting
Call for Award Nominees
Please take the time to Recognize Outstanding NMACP Members by nominating them for the 2024 NM Chapter Awards. Use this link to see the award descriptions.
- Laureate Award
- Community Service & Volunteerism Award
- Excellence in Teaching Award
- Community-Based Physician Mentor Award
- Early Career Physician Leadership Award
- ACP Outstanding Women Physician
- There are also awards for Outstanding Resident or Fellow and Outstanding Medical Student
Please submit nominations to .
Nominations should include the nominee's full name, title, and contact information (phone number or working email address) and a short statement of which award they are nominated for, and why. The deadline to submit a nomination is August 1, 2024.
Please nominate your colleagues so that we can honor their service and commitment to internal medicine! Awards will be presented at the New Mexico Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting to be held November 8, 2024.
Call for Resolutions Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please provide your feedback regarding resolutions that will be considered at the Fall 2024 Board of Governors Meeting. The resolutions have been posted on ACP Online for your review and cover various topics such as reducing traffic fatalities, mortality rates of patients with skilled nursing facility stays, and the corporate practice of medicine.
After considering the intent of each resolution, please provide your feedback indicating your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by August 12th. Your input will be used as part of testimony on behalf of the chapter.
(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)
Read/Comment on Fall 2024 BOG Resolutions
New ACP Paper Calls for Evidence-Based Public Health Approach to Cannabis Regulation
The new position paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine, "" urges policymakers to adopt a public health approach to cannabis regulation.
In the paper, ACP provides recommendations on incorporating a public health approach to controlling cannabis in jurisdictions where it is legal, supporting ongoing research into the effects of cannabis use, providing insurance coverage of treatment for cannabis use disorder, and including information about cannabis in medical education.
American Society of Nephrology Now Accepting Applications for New Loan Mitigation Program
The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) is accepting applications for the ASN Loan Mitigation Program as a part of its continued efforts in celebrating diversity in nephrology.
The program funds up to six applicants, providing each successful candidate $50,000 to reduce their loan burden over three years. Awards will center on individuals who have experienced personal or family hardship that has affected the need for financial assistance. Committed to increasing diversity at all levels of the society and the specialty, ASN strongly encourages diverse applicants to the Loan Mitigation Program.
The program's application period begins July 23, 2024, and ends on August 21, 2024. Visit the webpage for application requirements and to apply.