As Governor, Dr. Gowdy will serve as the official representative of the College for the Mississippi Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about the new GE, read his bio below.
Otis Gowdy Jr., MD, MBA, FACP 
Medical School Education: University of South Alabama
Post-Doctoral Training: University of Mississippi Medical Center
Certification: Internal Medicine 2002, 2016; Nephrology 2009
Present Position: Private Practice, Internal Medicine Clinic, Meridian, MS
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities:
Chair, Chapter Development Committee 2018, 2019; ACP Leadership Day 2018
ACP National Activities:
Fellowship 2017
Other Appointments/Activities:
Chief of Staff, Anderson Region Medical Center; Board, Mississippi Kidney Foundation; Mississippi Nephrology Task Force, Meridian; Mississippi Planning Commission; Mississippi Children's Museum, Meridian
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: