In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- ACP Internal Medicine: 2024 in Boston, MA
- MN-ACP Council Updates
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- Members in the News
- Save the Dates:
- New Members
- Chapter Social media

Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Message from the Governor
Minnesota ACP friends,
Tis the season… for advocacy. Our legislators are back to work, and we are back to working with them to make sure our patients and our voices are being heard. This February we took an engaged group of medical students, residents and internal medicine physicians to the capital to meet with legislators and to learn more about our legislative priorities this year. Our Health Policy committee continues to lead our chapter in this work, and I want to share my sincere gratitude for their tireless advocacy. Our chapter also co-sponsored three resolutions at the national ACP meeting in April and your comments were very helpful.
Over 130 Minnesotans gathered in Boston to learn, collaborate, and connect with our ACP colleagues from across the world. If you have not been to a national meeting it is hard to describe the feeling of walking into the opening ceremony or attending convocation with thousands of internal medicine doctors who are committed to lifelong learning and advocacy. Throughout the meeting you catch glimpses of the incredibly diverse world of research and clinical medicine that defines our profession and elevates the care we provide to our communities. Our Minnesota chapter members continue to contribute valuable content to this meeting. If you are interested in being considered as a presenter at the national ACP meeting in 2025 or 2026, please contact me at Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
I hope you will continue your engagement with other MN colleagues by attending I.M. on Tap, participating in our new educational webinars, attending the Nov. 1st Minnesota I.M:2024, attending upcoming Chapter Chat with the Governor sessions to be scheduled at coffee/tea houses throughout the state, or by considering applying for Fellowship in ACP. Your voice makes our chapter stronger, and I truly believe makes our communities better.
With gratitude,
Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP, Minnesota - ACP Governor
MN-ACP Mission: To foster excellence, education and professionalism among all internists in our community and to work together to shape the future of healthcare in Minnesota.
MN-ACP Vision: To be Minnesota's recognized leader for patient care, advocacy and education and to enhance career choice, satisfaction and collaboration for specialists and subspecialists in Internal Medicine
Visit us online: MN-ACP website
ACP Internal Medicine: 2024 in Boston, MA
Over one hundred thirty Minnesotans were in Boston to attend the national ACP meeting in April. Here are highlights from the meeting:
- The Minnesota Doctors' Dilemma team was ably represented by HCMC internal medicine residents Drs. Maroun Chedid, Joy Mallick, and Abdul Sanni.
- Congratulations to Minnesota abstract presenters Drs. Ioannis Kournoutas and Abdulsabur Sanni and medical students Katie McLaughlin and Ivy Nguyen
- Twenty-two Minnesota internal medicine physicians served as national faculty presenters including: Doctors John Bundrick, Michael Cullen, Megan Dulohery, Kristine Ensrud, Alice Gallo De Moraes, Heather Gantzer, Amy Holbrook, Deanne Kashiwagi, Margaret Long, Thomas Marten , Karen Mauck, Paul Meirick, James Newman, Shafay Raheel, Charles Reznikof, Tseganesh Selameab, Gregg Simonson, Karna Sundsted, David Tierney, Xiao Jing Wang, Rahma Warsame, and Timothy Wilt.
- Congratulations to Dr. Magda Bushara who was recognized as a new Minnesota FACP at the ACP Convocation
- MN-ACP partnered with the Mayo Alumni Association to sponsor a well-attended reception at the national meeting.
- Two Minnesota internal medicine physicians, Drs. Chris Aakre and Sam Ives completed the Boston Marathon (in under 3 hours) prior to the national ACP meeting.

MN-ACP Council Updates
The upcoming Spring Governor's Council meeting will be held with a farewell to our medical student, resident and Council of Resident Fellow liaisons. The Council will also be reviewing the budget and membership outreach plans for the coming year at this meeting. We are seeking members interested in chairing the following committees for the next two years and also serve on the Governor's Council. If interested, by May 30, 2024. Elections for at-large Council seats will be held in August.
- Early Career Physician committee chair
- Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ committee chair
- Hospitalist committee chair

MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Update
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
We had a great Internist Advocacy lunch and Physicians Day at the MN State Capitol on Feb. 28th. Members spoke with their legislators about Prior Authorization changes to improve access to health care and improve physicians' ability to practice and firearm safety bills. Our 2024 MN-ACP Health Policy priorities fall into these main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice
- Promote Primary Care
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy.
Minnesota ACP will have a delegation of twelve internal medicine physicians, hospitalists and trainees attending the 2024 ACP Leadership Day in Washington DC. Congratulations to Sreekant Avula, MD (fellowship), Whitney Johnson, MD (resident), Keaton Pendergrast (medical student) for full scholarships and Sudhir Pasham, MD (hospitalist) for a partial scholarship. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee. Please feel free to contact me at berry022@umn.edu with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.

Upcoming Events:
- International Medical Graduates Committee to meet in May. Our new International Medical Graduate Committee chaired by Council member, Dr. Ahmad Al-Anii will have its second meeting in May at 12:30pm. If you are interested in volunteering for this or other MN-ACP committees, please complete the online and you will be notified of upcoming virtual meetings and activities.
- Pediatric to Adult Health Care Transition Summit on June 13, 2024 in St Cloud or virtual. The Transition Summit will offer participants valuable insights into enhancing their clinics, hospitals, programs, and overall state practices related to pediatric to adult transitions in care.
- Listen to the MN-ACP podcast Doctor Plus - Doctor Plus Podcast from MN-ACP launched in late 2023, with funding support from ACP. You will hear MN Doctors' brief stories of what "plus" activity outside of internal medicine brings them joy and balance to their busy days as a hospitalist or internal medicine physician. .
- Writers needed for short health topics for Access Press - MN-ACP, as part of its Raise the Rates efforts, is partnering with which is dedicated to serving people with disabilities by publishing disability-related news and information. Writers needed to prepare a 400-word article on topics including: promoting COVID boosters and Flu shots; long COVID; research reports on disability and COVID; and short articles or social media posts that can be used in specific languages. An honorarium is available. Contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com for more information.
- ACP's I Raise the Rates Newsletter Available Now In this month's (IRtR) included information on: CDC's 2024 Updates to the Adult Immunization Schedules; and information on May 10th webinar on Approaches to Address Common Vaccine Myths and Tools to Decrease Hesitancy at 8:30-9:45am EST ACP's I Raise the Rates program, is supported by funding from the CDC, Merck, and GSK, provides QI education and virtual coaching support from ACP Advance expert coaches to support increased adult immunization coverage. The Minnesota Chapter is proud to partner with the Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ in supporting the I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Program.
- Healthy Planet Advocacy MN-ACP member Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni noted that are seeking individuals interested in learning more about advocacy for a Healthy Planet. Please contact the organization for information and updates. info@hpforhc.org
- Chapter Chat with the Governor Watch for upcoming dates and locations at Minnesota coffee/tea shops to meet and discuss your issues with Dr. Tseganesh Selameab, MN-ACP Governor. Please suggest locations in St Cloud and Rochester Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Fellows named by ACP in the last 4 months:
- Hannah Nordhues, MD FACP, Byron
- Cari Low, MD FACP, Rochester
- Sanah Sadiq, MD FACP, Mankato
- Oluwaseun Akinseye, MBBS MD FACP, Mankato
For information about applying for advancement to Fellowship, 17-min. video with questions/answers. If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ chair helgen.katherine@gmail.com
The Guided Fellowship Program offered by ACP is available for interested members for mentoring to advance to FACP. Currently nineteen members are participating with expected Fellowship awarded at the end of the year in 2024, 2025 or 2026. Information on Guided Fellowship. . Our newest Guided Fellowship participants from the last four months include:
- Allyson Palmer, MD, Rochester
- Sudhir Pasham, MD Bemidji
- Eric Peeler, MD, Rochester
- Binoy Yohannan, MBBS, Rochester
Members in the News
- Tori Bahr, MD recognized as one of 40 under 40 in
- Rahul Koranne, MD FACP of the Minnesota Hospital Association was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on and
- Tiffany Albrecht, MD of Health Partners and Park Nicolett and Anthony Williams, MD of Health Partners are featured in the on Rebirth
- Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, FACP of Park Nicollet and the MN Department of Human Services on DHS changes to
- Charles Reznikoff, MD FACP of Hennepin Healthcare, editorial on
- Hannah Lichtsinn, MD of Hennepin Healthcare had a commentary in the Minnesota Reformer titled, "
- Maral Kenderian, MD of Olmsted Medical Center in Rochester Post Bulletin on
- Sagar Dugani, MD FACP of Mayo Clinic, article on diabetes risk among Hispanic and the program to advance genetics and health research
Please send MN-ACP your member news to Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com
Save the Dates:
- April 30th, I.M. on Tap at Kieran's
- May 8, 2024 at 6pm Belonging, Well-Being and Leadership in Medicine webinar
- May 14-15, 2024 ACP Leadership Day at the Capitol in Washington
- May 30, 2024, Nominations for MN-ACP Committee Chairs and Council positions
- June 13, 2024, Pediatric to Adult Health Care Transition Summit
- Nov. 1, 2024, Minnesota Internal Medicine:2024 conference in Bloomington, MN at Hilton Hotel- MOA/MSP
New Members
Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Eleven new medical students have joined ACP and MN-ACP in the last four months with their training programs in Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth, MN.
Ashley Battenberg
Elizabeth Breitbach
Aisha Hassam
Mahtahn S Jenkins
Sonja Knudson
Madeleine K Lafond
John Martone
Annika Pokorny
Garrett Rabenhorst
Yumna Timsaal
Andrew Wang
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Seventeen new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, affiliates, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last four months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
Scott J Bray, MD | Shilpi Ganguly, MD |
Shire Jama, MD | Sana Khan, MD |
Margaret L Kreider Carlson | David Macomber, MD |
Stephanie Massey, DNP | Joe Menigo, MD |
Matthew Pinkelton, MD | Parrisha Roane, MD |
Kristin M Rouse, MD | Sebastian Santos, MD |
Ashley M Stantz, MD | Jillian K Suzukida, MD |
Emily P Syverud, MD | Nicole Walker Marquette, APRN |
Jordyn Walter, MD |
Chapter Social media
Find us on X:
MN-ACP website
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP Governor, MN-ACP Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com