In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- CTACP Launches VoterVoice Platform for Advocacy:
- More on Advocacy:
- CTACP Puts on its Salsa Dancing Shoes:
- CTACP Appointment to CT Carrier Advisory Committee:
- New and Noteworthy:
- Annual Meeting Save the Date:
- Resolution Feedback:
- I Raise The Rates:
- Hot Topics:

Ruth E. Weissberger, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Dear CT ACP Colleagues,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. 2024 has gotten off to a quick start, and I'm happy to share some of our chapter's events and updates. Please see below for more details on the following activities.
As the Connecticut legislative session begins, I am pleased to share information on our new Votervoice platform. I hope you will actively participate in our advocacy efforts when we reach out through this new portal.
I am also happy to share updates from our Health & Public Policy Committee on their activities, and recognize some of our members on their recent achievements.
Our chapter received special funding this year from national ACP in recognition of our membership outreach & retention efforts, and will use the award to help send two Early Career Physician members to the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 in April. We'll provide an update on their experience in an upcoming newsletter.
Our Wellness Committee held a fun dance event in late January. Special thanks to Dr. Sujata Prasad for planning it.
Please be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend our Annual Scientific Meeting on October 18th. It's always full of excellent sessions, and Doctor's Dilemma never disappoints.
Thank you again for your continued involvement in our chapter and its activities. We couldn't do what we do without your dedication and support.
We hope you saw our email introduction to Votervoice. This is a digital advocacy platform that will make it easy for CTACP members to contact their state senators and representatives on key issues of interest this legislative session. Each year, bills are introduced in the Connecticut General Assembly that impact our patients and the practice of medicine in the state.
Those of you who attended the session at our chapter meeting last October with State Senator Saud Anwar, Chair of the Public Health Committee, pulmonologist, and ACP member, and Omar Atiq, national ACP President, will remember their inspiring conversation on civic engagement for physicians, and their call to action. Votervoice will help expand our advocacy involvement directly to CTACP members. Throughout the legislative session, we will ask you to send a quick email in response to our notifications. It will be easy to participate.
Our chapter continues to submit testimony in Hartford and serve on coalitions and committees to add CTACP's voice to debates on patient care issues and the public health. Most recently, the CTACP Health and Public Policy Committee submitted testimony supporting expansion of paid sick leave in Connecticut.
Dr. Kirsten Ek, HPPC member, has joined the steering committee of the CT Coalition for Climate Action. For more information on the coalition you can visit the website at .
In January, Wellness chair, Sujata Prasad planned a fun event at the Scranton Library in Madison. Attendees were treated to Caribbean and Latin dance lessons with an instructor from the Arthur Murray Dance Studio. We'd like your input on future events, so please look out for an email with a brief questionnaire to solicit your ideas.
We're pleased to announce that Dr. Heather Nisbeth has been appointed to the CT Contractor Advisory Committee, representing Internal Medicine. The role of the regional CACs is to provide input on regional policies, or Local Coverage Determinations and the patient care provided through the Medicare program. Dr. Nisbeth will bring a critical voice to the Committee's deliberations.
Kudos to former CTACP Governor and Chair of the Board of Governors, Dr. Rebecca Andrews who is the 20204-2025 Chair-Elect of the ACP Board of Regents. Dr. Naseema Merchant was recognized by the CT Chapter of the Society for Hospital Medicine with the Excellence in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Award.
Mark your calendars….The CT ACP Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 will be held in person on Oct. 18, 2024 at the Aqua Turf in Plantsville. Special thanks to our meeting Co-Chairs Dr. Diana Sewell and Dr. Naseema Merchant, and our planning committee members,
Twenty-one (21) resolutions will be considered at the Spring 2024 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting. With the exception of Resolution 9-S24, which will not be debated because this resolution is slated for adoption as a reaffirmation, please review each resolution and then indicate your support or opposition by completing theÌýÌýby the deadline your ACP Chapter Governor has requested or by midnight March 13, whichever comes first.Ìý
Your comments will be forwarded to your Governor to be used as part of his/her testimony on behalf of the chapter. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Giampietro, BOG Administrator, atÌýchapter@acpmembership.org. Thank you for your input.Ìý
(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)
Again this year, CTACP is participating in the national ACP "I Raise the Rates Program" to provide resources and information to members on increasing vaccination rates in their practices. As part of this collaboration, CTACP hosted a virtual grand rounds on vaccine hesitancy in 2023. Periodically, ACP shares educational information on vaccines and new resources from public health partners, educational opportunities, and a selection of media articles related to immunization. For the latest program information,
We are also looking for a Connecticut practice to partner with us. Please email Lisa@grassrootsct.com if you are willing to participate.
Could less be more in care transitions?
Interventions to improve the quality of care transitions may work better when they are less complex, say researchers who offer some ideas for future efforts.