
Colorado Chapter News

Chapter Speakers at Internal Medicine Meeting 2025

(January 2025) We’d like to bring attention to our local chapter members who will be presenting as faculty at ACP’s Internal Medicine Meeting 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana this April. Early-bird registration is available through January. For a full schedule or for more information on the meeting, click .

Aaron Calderon: Ultrasound-Guided Thoracentesis - Clinical Skills Center

Jacob Cross: More News You Can Use: Current Clinical Guidelines - April 4 | 1:30 PM-2:30 PM

Matthew DeCamp: Follow the Money: Ethics and Business Practices in Medicine - April 5 | 9:15 AM-10:15 AM

Brandon Fainstad: POCUS for Beginners - Clinical Skills Center

Brandon Fainstad: Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians - April 1 and April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Ashley Fellers McKenzie: Storytelling Workshop: Humanism in Medicine - April 5 | 9:15 AM-10:15 AM

Michelle Fleshner: Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians - April 1 and April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Megan Hiles: Evaluating Patient Apps and Other Digital Health Tools for Internal Medicine: App-raising Evidence - April 3 | 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

Aaron Lee: Patient Experience Simulations: Walk a Mile in My Gown - Clinical Skills Center

Noelle Northcutt: Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians - April 1 and April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Carolina Ortiz-Lopez: Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians - April 1 and April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Linda Overholser: Survivor: Primary Care After Cancer Treatment - April 5 | 7:00 AM-7:45 AM

Ted Parks: Practical Office Orthopedics: The Shoulder - April 4 | 7:00 AM-9:00 AM

Ted Parks: Practical Office Orthopedics: The Knee - April 3 | 2:45 PM-4:45 PM

Tejas Patil:Clinical Triad: Lung Cancer in 2025: A New Day Is Dawning - April 4 | 2:45 PM-3:45 PM

Gerard Salame: Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians - April 1 and April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Darlene Tad-y: ACP Quality Improvement Leadership Training: Best Practices to Achieve Meaningful and Sustainable Improvement - April 2 | 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Erik Wallace: Gun Safety in Primary Care - April 4 | 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

ACP Wellbeing Job Description

(October 2024) ACP Well-being Champions (WBCs) are ACP members and well-being leaders who uphold the voice of ACP chapter members through promoting the rationale for investing in clinician well-being, sharing key evidence-based strategies to improve clinician well-being and professional fulfillment, and fostering the development of chapter-based communities that support well-being and professional fulfillment.

Read more about the benefits and requirements of being a Wellbeing Champion.

2024 Chapter Excellence Award-Gold Level Winner

(August 2024) We are pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Gold Level of the 2024 Chapter Excellence Award! The award recognizes truly extraordinary chapters that surpass excellence in chapter management. We are in the company of 59 other outstanding chapters. In order to achieve the Gold Level of the Chapter Excellence Award, chapters must meet 20 Bronze criteria, 14 Silver criteria and multiple Gold level activities. Criteria include such activities as having a legislative action plan or agenda, holding a volunteerism/community service activity, holding multiple stand-alone meetings, having revenue sources outside of dues and meeting registration fees, implementing a strategic plan, implementing a formal recruitment and retention plan and measuring outcomes, conducting various activities for Medical Students, Residents and Early Career Physicians. We would like to extend a special thanks to those chapter members who assisted us in all of these endeavors! For their hard work and dedication, we received this award.

Chapter Excellence Award

Empower Your Advocacy: Introducing Our Comprehensive Toolkit

(August 2024) We are excited to announce the launch of our AdvocacyToolkit:Using Your Voice as a Physician Advocate, a powerful resource designed to equip medical students and physicians with the skills and knowledge needed to become effective advocates for health care in their communities. This toolkit comprises five self-contained and independent modules, each presented as engaging voice-over PowerPoint presentations. Whether you're a seasoned advocate or new to the field, these modules offer valuable insights and practical guidance.

Module Highlights

Physician as Advocate

  • Discover advocacy tips and real-life examples that showcase how physicians can use their voice to drive positive health outcomes in their communities. This module emphasizes the pivotal role of physicians in advocating for public health.

Legislative Advocacy

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the legislative process at both state and federal levels. Learn about the opportunities available for physician advocacy within this process and how to navigate the legislative landscape effectively.

Print Media Advocacy

  • Explore the various types of print media, their audiences, and their scope in the realm of advocacy. This module provides insights into crafting compelling messages that resonate with readers and drive change through traditional media channels.

Social Media Advocacy

  • Delve into the dynamic world of social media and its potential as a powerful advocacy tool. Learn about the key features of different social media platforms and how to leverage them to amplify your advocacy efforts and engage a broader audience.

Audio Media Advocacy

  • Understand the motivations and uses of audio media in advocacy. This module focuses on the unique advantages of podcasts, radio, and other audio formats, offering strategies to effectively communicate your advocacy messages through these channels.

Each module begins with a standard introduction and overview, followed by an in-depth exploration of the topic, and concludes with a concise one-page outline to reinforce key points.

Toolkit: Using Your Voice As A Physician Advocate

By integrating these modules into your advocacy efforts, you will be better equipped to influence public health policy and drive meaningful change. Empower yourself and your community with the tools and knowledge provided in our Advocacy Toolkit.

Together, let's make a difference!

State Health Advocacy August Recess Grassroots Mobilization Challenge

(August 2024) Members of Congress are returning home to their districts during the August congressional recess. During this time, ACP is calling on internal medicine physicians to engage their representatives on important issues we need Congress to act on before the end of 2024.

To incentivize participation in this grassroots mobilization, the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network (ACP grassroots network) is challenging members to see which states will have the highest engagement. Advocates can score points for their states by choosing to take one or more advocacy actions identified in the campaign.

Access theNow!

Congratulations New Chapter Fellows

  • Trevor J Lutz, MD FACP
  • Ben R Mendoza, III, MD FACP

(July 2024) Congratulations to the Chapter's new Fellows.Fellowship in the College is an honor.Being an FACP®is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internal medicine physician lives and practices.

Call for Spring 2025 Resolutions

(July 2024) Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea youwould like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.

Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine.

Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. TheACP Board of Governors Resolutions Guide for ACP Membersis available to download and will help, too.The Guidewas created to provide members a short overview of the resolutions process essentials and highlights critical ACP online resources you must use.

Once drafted, members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. Chapter council approval is required to move resolutions forward to ACP national. Although not official ACP policy, a resolution becomes property of the chapter once the chapter council approves forwarding it to national. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at theSpring 2025 Board of Governors Meeting isSeptember 27, 2024.

Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.

We want to hear from you: Fall 2024 BOG Resolutions

(July 2024)The following resolutions are up for consideration at the Fall 2024 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting. We invite you to review each resolution and share your support or opposition by completing the by August 12.

  • Developing Policy to Address Consolidation in Healthcare
  • Gaining an Understanding of the 1-Year and 3-Year Mortality Rates of Patients that Have Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Stays
  • Supporting Patients’ Access to Documentation and Communications in their Preferred Language
  • Declaring Access to Equitable, Affordable Healthcare is a Human Right
  • Developing Policy on Reducing Traffic Fatalities and Injuries in the United States
  • Revising ACP’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy to Promote an Age-Friendly Professional Home and Create Engagement Opportunities for Senior and Retired Physicians
  • Advocating for Funding of a Direct Comparison of Two Highly Touted Dietary Approaches to Control Type Two Diabetes Clinical Measures and Costs

Resolutions provide our members an opportunity to focus attention at the national level on particular issues or topics that concern you and gives grassroots members a voice, allowing you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine. Involvement in the resolutions feedback process is essential for maintaining a responsive and effective professional organization that truly represents its members.

Your feedback is valuable and will be forwarded to your Governor to assist in their testimony on behalf of the chapter. Thank you for your input.

(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)

Happy Anniversary to our Chapter Members!

Chapter Anniversary Banner

5 Years

  • Chitra Peddada, MD
  • Leslie B Eber, MD
  • Jennifer B Jeans, MD
  • Geoffrey Capes, MD FACP
  • Jared Davis, MD
  • Rajendra Kadari, MD MPH FACP
  • Sara M Corr, MD
  • Tyler J Abbey
  • Nicholaus A Mize, DO
  • Erin M Smith, MD
  • Rebecca Bade
  • Faisal Javaid, MD
  • Tedford C Luck, MD
  • Christine A Gallati, MD
  • Avi Salamon
  • Hana M Poser, MD
  • Muhammad Mumtaz, MBBS
  • Lauren M Sanders, DO
  • Carly A Lacroix, DO PhD
  • Kerry Clarke, MD
  • Jo Ann O Rivera, MD
  • Thomas J Bartlett, MD

10 Years

  • Robert A Hannaman, MD
  • Bruce Weber, MD
  • Linda C Davis, MD
  • Susan L Blakley, MD
  • Debra A Preller, MD
  • Ilka V Nowak, MD
  • Damon P Maes, MD
  • David Johansen, MD FACP
  • Kartik K Patel, MD FACP
  • Kirsten E Storey, DO
  • Ben R Mendoza, III, MD
  • Laura L Longwell, DO
  • Cynthia C Wheat, MD
  • Mariel K Gillham, MD
  • Andrew S Koch, DO
  • CPT Mikhail J Kuprian, MC USA MD
  • John A Updike, MD FACP
  • Gregory A Feldpausch, DO
  • Rakesh Sandhu, MD
  • Monica Stanton, MD FACP
  • Jennifer Chou, MD

15 Years

  • George F Breth, MD
  • Amy O Campbell, MD FACP
  • James P Valin, MD FACP
  • Galo F Garces, MD
  • Andrew M Freeman, MD FACP
  • Joshiah R Gordon, DO FACP
  • Benjamin L Shaw, DO
  • David C Shepherd, DO
  • Melanie W Stickrath, MD FACP
  • Chad R Stickrath, MD FACP
  • Susan Fixman, MD
  • George Christopher Scott, MD FACP
  • Christopher R Dobbelstein, MD
  • Daniel J Freese, DO FACP

20 Years

  • Edward J Pisko, MD FACP
  • Michael L Fisher, MD FACP
  • Wagner J Schorr, MD FACP
  • Devchand Paul, DO PhD FACP
  • Mamta Varshney, MD
  • David Kovar, MD FACP
  • Kimberly D Caves, MD FACP
  • Maria L Cannarozzi, MD FACP
  • David Ginosar, MD
  • Dennis J Lipton, MD
  • Adam H Gilden, MD FACP
  • William B Austin, DO
  • Elizabeth A Boatwright, MD
  • Daniel H Monkowski, MD
  • Todd J Popp, MD FACP
  • Vivian I Chao, MD FACP

(May 2024) Your ACP Chapter thanks you for your continued ý and all you do every day to serve your patients and support the future of internal medicine. We’re proud that you’ve chosen us as your professional home, and we’re committed to remaining by your side—advocating for and supporting your professional journey.

BOR Action on Spring 2024 BOG Resolutions

(May 2024) A summary of Board of Regents (BOR) actions on resolutions debated at the Spring 2024 Board of Governors (BOG) meeting is now available. Resolutions initiated by ACP members and endorsed by a chapter council and the BOG become ACP policy when adopted by the BOR.

If you have an idea you would like to suggest to ACP, consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or local ACP chapter. Visit the advocacy section of your ACP chapter website for more information on how to propose a resolution.

Congratulations New Chapter Fellow

  • Geoffrey Capes, MD FACP

(April 2024) Congratulations to the Chapter's new Fellow.Fellowship in the College is an honor.Being an FACP®is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internal medicine physician lives and practices.

Member Feedback is Requested on Spring 2024 Resolutions

(February 2024) Twenty-one (21) resolutions will be considered at the Spring 2024 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting. With the exception of Resolution 9-S24, which will not be debated because this resolution is slated for adoption as a reaffirmation, please review each resolution and then indicate your support or opposition by sending any comments to:cochapteracp@msn.comby the end of business on Monday March 4, 2024.

(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)

Call for Fall 2024 Resolutions

(February 2024) Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea you'd like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.

Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine.

Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. The just released ACP Board of Governors Resolutions Guide for ACP Members is now available to download and will help, too. The Guide was created to provide members a short overview of the resolutions process essentials and highlights critical ACP online resources you must use.

Once drafted, members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. Chapter council approval is required to move resolutions forward to ACP national. Although not official ACP policy, a resolution becomes property of the chapter once the chapter council approves forwarding it to national. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the Fall 2024 Board of Governors Meeting isMarch 29, 2024.

Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.

Congratulations New Chapter Fellows

  • Doug Ornoff, MD PhD FACP
  • Eric L Seger, DO FACP
  • Meghan M Timmerman, DO FACP
  • Jennifer L Vacca, MD FACP

(February 2024) Congratulations to the Chapter's new Fellows.Fellowship in the College is an honor.Being an FACP®is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internal medicine physician lives and practices.

Call for Forest for the Trees Submissions

(January 2024) The ý (ACP)ColoradoChapter is pleased to announce the seventh year of its “humanism in internal medicine” story contest. For internists, it can sometimes be easy to lose the “forest for the trees,” so to speak, in our busy clinical practices and not pause to reflect on the meaningful experiences that we share with patients and colleagues. To promote mindfulness in our profession, we invite you to submit a story about a patient or colleague that has had a particular impact on your growth as an internist over the past year.


  • Authors must be ACP members at the time of submission. If you are not an ACP member, you may join online at:
  • Authors can be trainees and/or practicing internists.


  • The top three stories will be invited to tell their stories at the annualColoradoChapter meeting at the Broadmoor Hotel inColoradoSprings on Friday February 2nd or Saturday February 3rd, 2024 NOTE: The annual meeting is taking place in person at the Broadmoor Hotel this year.
  • Winners will be awarded a gift card. Presenters will not need to pay for full conference registration to present their stories, but will need to pay full registration to attend the full conference.
  • The top stories will be featured on the ACP website and in the Governor’s newsletter


  • Authors should be able to tell their stories in 5-7 minutes (about 750-1000 words)
  • Authors should de-identify any patients or other health care professionals described in the story
  • All stories must be typed in English
  • Type the title of the story in uppercase letters
  • Leave space (one line) after the title and begin typing the main body of the story
  • Type single-space and leave one space between paragraphs
  • Alignment should be left
  • More than one story submission per author is permitted
  • Stories that have been previously published elsewhere are not eligible
  • Uplifting stories are welcome!


The deadline for submissions isSunday, January 21, 2024, 11:59 PM MT· Stories should be submitted to Dr. Juan Lessing atjuan.lessing@cuanschutz.edu

Winners will be notified by January 23rd.


Please contact the ACPColoradoChapter Council for Early Career Physicians with any questionsjuan.lessing@cuanschutz.edu

Chapter Speakers at Internal Medicine Meeting 2024

(December 2023) We’d like to bring attention to our local chapter members who will be presenting as faculty at ACP’s Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts this April. Early-bird registration is available through January. For a full schedule or for more information on the meeting, click .

Aaron Calderon Clinical Skills Center Ultrasound-Guided Thoracentesis
Brandon Fainstad Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Brandon Fainstad Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Michelle Fleshner Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Michelle Fleshner Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Aaron Lee Clinical Skills Center The Patient Will Be YOU Now
Noelle Northcutt Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Noelle Northcutt Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Carolina Ortiz-Lopez Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Carolina Ortiz-Lopez Pre-course Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internal Medicine Physicians Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Ted Parks Pre-course Practical Office Orthopedics Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Ted Parks Case-Based Learning Practical Office Orthopedics: The Knee Thursday, April 18, 2024
Ted Parks Case-Based Learning Practical Office Orthopedics: The Shoulder Friday, April 19, 2024
Sophia Raia Clinical Skills Center Ultrasound-Guided Thoracentesis
Darlene Tad-y Pre-course ACP Quality Improvement Leadership Training: Best Practices to Achieve Meaningful and Sustainable Improvement Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Erik Wallace Panel Ethical Case Challenges: Health Care Disinformation and Misinformation Friday, April 19, 2024
Jeffrey Wallace Pre-course Advances in Therapy Wednesday, April 17, 2024

BOR Action on Fall 2023 BOG Resolutions

(December 2023) A summary of Board of Regents (BOR) actions on resolutions debated at the Fall 2023 Board of Governors (BOG) meeting is now available. Resolutions initiated by ACP members and endorsed by a chapter council and the BOG become ACP policy when adopted by the BOR.

If you have an idea you would like to suggest to ACP, consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or local ACP chapter. Visit the advocacy section of your ACP chapter website for more information on how to propose a resolution.

Congratulations New Chapter Fellow

  • Nicholas J Breitnauer, MD FACP

(November 2023) Congratulations to the Chapter's new Fellow. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internal medicine physician lives and practices.

2023 Chapter Excellence Award – Gold Winner

Chapter Excellence Award Bronze We are pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Gold Level of the 2023 Chapter Excellence Award! The award recognizes truly extraordinary chapters that surpass excellence in chapter management. We are in the company of 54 other outstanding chapters. In order to achieve the Gold Level of the Chapter Excellence Award, chapters must meet nineteen Bronze criteria, seventeen Silver criteria and multiple Gold level activities. Criteria include such activities as having a legislative action plan or agenda, holding a volunteerism/community service activity, holding multiple stand-alone meetings, having revenue sources outside of dues and meeting registration fees, implementing a strategic plan, implementing a formal recruitment and retention plan and measuring outcomes, conducting various activities for Medical Students, Residents and Early Career Physicians.

We would like to extend a special thanks to those chapter members who assisted us in all of these endeavors! For their hard work and dedication, we received this award.

We Request Your Feedback on the Proposed Fall 2023 Board of Governors Resolutions

(August 2023) We would like to request your feedback regarding resolutions that will be considered at the Fall 2023 Board of Governors Meeting. With the exception of Resolution 3-F23 which was accepted as a reaffirmation and will not be debated, please review the balance of the slate and send your comments tocochapteracp@msn.comby August 30th.

After considering the intent of each resolution and how it fits with the College’s Mission and Goals, please provide your feedback on each resolution and indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by August 30. Your input will be used as part of testimony on behalf of the chapter.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to provide comments regarding these resolutions. By providing your feedback on the Board of Governors resolutions, you have helped to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine.

Congratulations New Chapter Fellows

  • Ashwini Reddy, MD FACP
  • Darlene B Tad-y, MD FACP

(July 2023) Congratulations to the Chapter's new Fellows. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internal medicine physician lives and practices.

Call for Spring 2024 BOG Resolutions

(July 2023) Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea you'd like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.

Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine.

Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. The recently released ACP Board of Governors Resolutions Guide for ACP Membersis now available to download and will help, too.The Guidewas created to provide members a short overview of the resolutions process essentials and highlights critical ACP online resources you must use.

Once drafted, members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. Chapter council approval to move resolutions forward to ACP national is required. A resolution becomes a resolution of the chapter once the chapter council approves forwarding it to national. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the Spring 2024 Board of Governors Meeting isOctober 16, 2023.

Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.

BOR Action on Spring 2023 BOG Resolutions

(June 2023) summary of Board of Regents (BOR) actionson resolutions debated at theSpring 2023 Board of Governors (BOG) meeting is now available. Resolutions initiated by ACP members and endorsed by a chapter council and the BOG become ACP policy when adopted by the BOR.

Chapter Members Elected to ACP Fellowship

(March 2023) We would like to congratulate our chapter members on election to Fellow of the ý. The distinction recognizes achievements in internal medicine.

Paul S Bongat, DO FACP

John P Haydek, MD FACP

Alana Shah, MD FACP

Christie G Turin More, MD FACP

Fellowship is elected upon the recommendation of peers and the review of ACP’s Credentials Subcommittee. They may now use the letters “FACP” after their name in recognition of this honor. Please join me in congratulations!

Chapter Speakers at Internal Medicine Meeting 2023

(March 2023) We would like to draw your attention to our Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 local speakers.

Daniel Bessesen Denver Colorado Clinical Triad Clinical Triad: Three Dimensions of Obesity Care: Lifestyle, Medications, Surgery Friday, April 28, 2023
Aaron Calderon Golden Colorado Meet the Professor Delirium, Falls, and Beyond: Avoiding Common Hospital-Acquired Conditions Saturday, April 29, 2023
Ted Parks Denver Colorado Clinical Workshop Practical Office Orthopedics: The Knee Friday, April 28, 2023
Ted Parks Denver Colorado Clinical Workshop Practical Office Orthopedics: The Shoulder Thursday, April 27, 2023
Ted Parks Denver Colorado Meet the Professor Office Orthopedics for the Internist: Common Knee Problems Thursday, April 27, 2023
Justin Roesch Fort Collins Colorado Clinical Workshop Creating Professional Fulfillment Saturday, April 29, 2023
Erik Wallace Colorado Springs Colorado Clinical Triad Clinical Triad: Advances in Cancer Screening: Breast, Colon, Lung Thursday, April 27, 2023
Erik Wallace Colorado Springs Colorado Meet the Professor Getting to Gun Safety: What Do Patients Want From Their Physician? Saturday, April 29, 2023

If you’re attending IMM23, please join us at our New Mexico and Colorado on Friday, April 28 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Lou & Mickey's.

Member Feedback is Requested on Spring 2023 Resolutions

(March 2023) Fourteen (14) resolutions will be considered at the Spring 2023 Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting. Please review each resolution and then indicate your support or opposition by completing the by the deadline your ACP Chapter Governor has requested or by March 22, whichever comes first.

Your comments will be forwarded to the Chapter Governor to be used as part of their testimony on behalf of the chapter. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Giampietro, BOG Administrator, at chapter@acpmembership.org. Thank you for your input.

(NOTE: Proposed resolutions should be considered confidential information and are intended to be viewed by ACP members only. Under no circumstances should proposed resolutions be shared with the news media or social networking media, nor should they be shared with other individuals and organizations. Proposed resolutions do not represent ACP policy.)

Call for Fall 2023 Resolutions

(February 2023) Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea you'd like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.

Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine.

Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. The just released ACP Board of Governors Resolutions Guide for ACP Members is now available to download and will help, too. The Guide was created to provide members a short overview of the resolutions process essentials and highlights critical ACP online resources you must use.

Once drafted, members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. Chapter council approval to move resolutions forward to ACP national is required. A resolution becomes a resolution of the chapter once the chapter council approves forwarding it to national. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the Fall 2023 Board of Governors Meeting is March 30, 2023.

Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.

Board of Regents Action on Fall 2022 BOG Resolutions

(November 2022) A summary of Board of Regents (BOR) actions on resolutions debated at theFall 2022 Board of Governors (BOG) meeting is now available. Resolutions initiated by ACP members and endorsed by a chapter council and the BOG become ACP policy when adopted by the BOR.

If you have an idea you'd like to suggest to ACP, consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or local ACP chapter. Visit your ACP chapter website for more information on how to contact your Governor or chapter staff about proposing a resolution.

Chapter Members Elected to ACP Fellowship

(November 2022) We would like to congratulate our chapter members on election to Fellow of the ý. The distinction recognizes achievements in internal medicine.

Christy Welles, MD FACP

Fellowship is elected upon the recommendation of peers and the review of ACP’s Credentials Subcommittee. They may now use the letters “FACP” after their name in recognition of this honor. Please join me in congratulations!

Congratulations Michael T. McDermott, MD, MACP on Mastership

(October 2022) We are excited to share that the Mastership/Awards Committee and the Board of Regents have approved Michael T. McDermott, MD, MACP to receive an award recognition during the 2023 Internal Medicine Meeting in San Diego, California.

ACP Bylaws state that Masters shall be Fellows who have been selected because of “integrity, positions of honor, impact in practice or in medical research, or other attainments in science or in the art of medicine.” Masters must be highly accomplished persons demonstrating impact in practice, leadership, or in medical research. Evidence of their achievements can come from many types of endeavors, such as renown within their field and/or ACP chapter, research, education, health care initiatives, volunteerism, administrative positions, care of patients, and service to their community.

One of the goals of the ý is to “recognize excellence and distinguished contributions to internal medicine.” As a way of achieving this goal, the College offers 21 awards and a number of Masterships each year. Annually, awardees and Masters are honored at the Convocation ceremony held during the Internal Medicine meeting.