In this Issue:
- Letter from the Governor
- ACP S. California Regions I, II & III Residents and Medical Students Day
- 2022 ACP All-California Meeting
- Awards
- New ACP Fellows

Michael E. Lazarus, MBBCh, FACP, ACP Governor
Letter from the Governor
A very Happy (belated) New Year to everyone in region 1! Since my last newsletter we have had a lot of exciting things to update you on. Firstly, a hearty congratulations to Dr. Eric Hsieh, FACP, who is our new Governor-elect Designee and my successor as Governor of Southern California Region 1 in April 2024. Dr. Hsieh serves as Clinical Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Educational Affairs and is the Internal Medicine Training Program Director at Keck School of Medicine of USC. Over the course of the next year, we will be working together closely so that the leadership transition of our chapter occurs smoothly. Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Dr. Hsieh!
We were delighted to welcome ACP President, Dr. Ryan Mire, MACP as special in-person guest at our regional scientific meeting in early October 2022. In addition to the annual combined Southern California regional scientific meeting held in San Diego, our chapter also participated in the virtual All California Scientific Meeting, which took place on Saturday, October 29th over zoom and featured prominent speakers from California and nationally. Dr. Darilyn Moyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, 杨贵妃传媒, was our special guest and panelist.
We were also thrilled to discover this past week that we were successful in one of our major objectives for the year - attracting more students to ACP. Medical Student membership in our chapter had been in decline for few years. We made it a priority to reach out not only to the two largest medical schools in our region but to the Western University School of Health Sciences in Pomona. Many thanks to Lara Aboud Syriani, Senior Medical Student at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences for inviting me to a virtual informational session about ACP a few years ago. I would also like to acknowledge Olivia Goodman, a second-year medical student at the new Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine in Pasadena. Olivia gave me a tour of their impressive new campus and organized 42 students from the Internal Medicine interest group to attend an informational session in August 2022. Finally, kudos to Raveena Ghanshani and Justin Cheng, co-presidents of the Internal Medicine Interest Group at Keck, for inviting us to present to over 50 first- and Second-year students at the Louis B. Mayer Educational Building in October. We are thrilled to report a 7.3% increase in Medical Student membership as a direct result of our outreach efforts.
Wishing all our members a year of personal growth, good health and peace! Looking forward to seeing all of you at the ACP National Meeting in San Diego in April.
Michael E. Lazarus, MBBCh, FACP
Governor, ACP Southern California Region I
ACP S. California Regions I, II & III Residents and Medical Students Day
The 2022 ACP California Southern Chapters I, II & III poster competition took place on Saturday, October 8 in San Diego. There were 288 posters submitted by medical students, residents/fellow and early career physicians from throughout Southern California. The following resident/fellows and medical students had winning posters from ACP S. California Region I:

Medical Students 鈥 Clinical Vignettes
1st: Michelle Ko (UCLA): Metastatic Alk+ Lung Adenocarcinoma in a 19-year-old Female
2nd: Sandra Abadir (Ross Univ.): Severe Refractory Pulmonary Hypertension Linked to Bevacizumab in a Patient Treated for Metastatic Ovarian Cancer
3rd: Yvonne Lei (UCLA): A Common Bug, an Uncommon Road to Diagnosis: A Case of C. acnes leptomeningitis with Brain Abscess
Medical Students 鈥 Innovation
1st: Amanda Nguyen (UCLA): Impact and Effectiveness of Dashboard-directed Telehealth Clinics for Medical Optimization of Patients with Heart Failure
2nd: Peter Yan (UCLA): Measuring the Accuracy of Cardiac Output Using POCUS: The Introduction of Artificial Intelligence into Routine Care
Medical Student 鈥 Research
1st: Nameer Ascandar (St. George's / UCLA): Impact of Device Infection on Outcomes and Readmission Following Placement of a Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device
2nd: Amani Carson (UCLA): Accessible Affinity: Evaluating the Potential of Online Micro-Communities As Social Support Systems for Medically Complex Youth
Residents 鈥 Clinical Vignettes
1st: Carolyn Kan (USC): Unlocking the Etiology Behind Anoxic Injury through the Reflex Hammer
2nd: Sarah Javaherifar (Kaiser LA): An Unusual Cause of Cough: Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
3rd: Shannon Goodall (Santa Barbara Cottage): HLH vs Sepsis in COVID-19 Recovered Patients
Residents 鈥 Research
1st: Madeline MacDonald (USC): Success of Next-Generation Sequencing Based on Biopsy Type: A Retrospective Analysis of Lung Cancer Patients
2nd: Lauren Lewis (Harbor-UCLA): A Retrospective Cohort Study of Patients with T-cell Lymphoma in an Urban Safety-net Hospital Setting
3rd: Mimi Xu (USC): Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Reemergence after Prophylactic HBIG Withdrawal in Liver Transplant Recipients

Drs. Oscar Gallardo Huizar, Jarod DuVall, Aaron Azose

Doctor's Dilemma Team from Kern Medical Center
Residents 鈥 Innovation
1st: Sung Hyun (Angie) Lim (UCLA): Designing and Implementing a Resident-Run Clinical Coaching Program
2nd: Nicholas Kwok (Cedars-Sinai): Hot Weather (Elevated Ambient Temperature) Associated with Excessive Testing for COVID-19
Residents and medical students who won first place will receive a travel stipend and their posters will be submitted for presentation at the 2023 ACP national meeting. Second and third place winners received a cash award. Many thanks to the poster competition co-chairs 鈥 Drs. Alina Popa, Sharon Kim & Roger Garrison 鈥 and to all the judges that spent countless hours reviewing and judging abstracts/posters.
The LAC+USC team was the winner of this year's Doctor's Dilemma (鈥淛eopardy鈥) competition. Team members included Carolyn Kan, Madeline MacDonald and Max Yang. The team will be sent to this year's ACP national meeting to compete with teams from across the country. We wish them well. Many thanks to Drs. Jarod DuVall, Miguel Angel Pena Ruiz, and Ali Motabar for their hard work in making the competition a great success!

Doctor's Dilemma Winners Drs. Carolyn Kan, Madeline MacDonald & Max Yang

Dr. Michael Lazarus (Governor for ACP S. California Region 1) with Max Yang, Madeline MacDonald & Carolyn Kan

Doctors's Dilemma Co-Chair Drs. Jarod DuVall, Miguel Angel Pena Ruiz, & Ali Motabar
2022 ACP All-California Meeting
Last October the California ACP chapters held an All-California Scientific Meeting. The virtual meeting offered a wide variety of topics delivered by outstanding faculty speakers. In addition to the scientific sessions, attendees were treated to an outstanding presentation by Dr. Darilyn Moyer (CEO and EVP of ACP) and Dr. Kermit Jones on achieving health equity. Finally, the late Dr. Faith Fitzgerald was also honored in an inaugural memorial lecture delivered by Dr. Phyllis Guze.

Several Chapter members were recognized this year. Dr. Rachel P. Brook was the recipient of this year's Chapter Laureate Award. This prestigious award is awarded to the ACP member who has demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, or research, and in service to their community. Congratulations to Dr. Brook!

At the national level, we are happy to announce that Dr. Robert Brook was recognized with Mastership from the 杨贵妃传媒. Mastership is granted to highly accomplished persons demonstrating impact in practice, leadership, or in medical research. Congratulations to Dr. Brook on this well-deserved recognition

Mastership Award
Robert Brook, MD, MACP
The following members were also recognized with an ACP Southern California Region I Chapter Impact Award 2022:

Mentorship Impact Award
Amanda Ewing, MD, FACP

Inpatient Teaching Impact Award
Nader Kamangar, MD, FACP

Outpatient Teaching Impact Award
Jason Gilbert, DO

Resident Educator Impact Award
Aaron Azose, MD
New ACP Fellows
We are happy to announce that the following people have been advanced to ACP Fellowship in our region within the last 6 months. Congratulations!
Anshu R. Abhat, MD, FACP
Jessica M. Adkins, MD, FACP
Khushboo Kaushal Akkad, MD, FACP
Christine I. Bishop, MD, FACP
Sarah Blake, DO, MBA, FACP
Christopher Brown, MD, FACP
Kelley Chuang, MD, FACP
Linda K. Czypinski, MD, FACP
Christopher Dagher, MD, FACP
Sean Delshad, MD, FACP<
Reece R. Doughty, MD, FACP
Starleen Frousiakis, MD, FACP
Jason Gilbert, DO, FACP
Swetha Gogineni, MD, FACP
Nima Golzy, MD, FACP
Mukul Gupta, MD, FACP
Sunita R. Hingorani, MD, FACP
Jeannette Sison Ilard, MD, FACP
Aldo A. Ilarde, MD, FACP
Ramzy Jandali, MD, FACP
Nimy John, MD, FACP
Matthew Jung, MD, FACP
Jane Ma, MD, FACP
Mia Mattioli, MD, FACP
Yuri Matusov, MD, FACP
Marie I. Montoya, MD, FACP
Arsen Osipov, MD, FACP
Satya Patel, MD, FACP
Jared T. Perrin, MD, FACP
Amna A. Rizvi, MD, FACP
Christopher J. Thrash, MD, FACP
Huynh Tran, MD, FACP
Matt Welzenbach, MD, FACP
Kristopher K. Yoon, MD, FACP
California Southern I Governor's Newsletter February 2023