As Governor, Dr. Maheshwari serves as the official representative of the College for the India Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about the Governor, read his bio below.
Anuj Maheshwari, MD, FACP 
Medical School Education: MBBS, MD
Post-Doctoral Training: General Medicine & Diabetes
Certification: King George's Medical University
Present Position: Professor/Head, General Medicine, Babu Banarasi Das University
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities:
Invited Speaker, Acute Metabolic Complications in Diabetes, Medicine Update, Era’s Lucknow Medical College 2017; Organiser, Annual Conference 2018 (more than 1000 doctors participated); Invited Speaker, Art & Science of Insulin Therapy: Role of Insulin Coformulations, Annual Conference; Invited Guest Speaker, BSMCON, ACP Bangladesh 2018; Invited Guest Speaker, Annual Conference, ACP Japan 2019; Invited Lecturer, Practicing Wellness to Beat Diabetes, ACPCON, Midterm Conference 2019; Invited Faculty, Annual Conference 2019
ACP National Activities:
Fellowship 2015; Well-being Champion, Internal Medicine Meeting 2018; Volunteer/Invited Teacher, Mini but Mighty: Skills for Well-being, Internal Medicine Meeting 2019; Speaker, Well-being Briefing Session, Internal Medicine Meeting 2019
Other Appointments/Activities:
30 research projects as PI; 275 Guest Lectures; RJ Wegmann Oration, Indian Society of Hypertension; BC Bansal Oration, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2016; VG Nadgouda Lecture, Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) 2016; PR Prasad Oration, Jharkhand, RSSDI 2018; RM Shah Oration, Gujarat, RSSDI 2018; Health Icon Award 2017, 2019; Marvelous Personality of the Year 2017; Organiser, multiple conferences; Contributor, 1.5 million+ data, May Measurement Month Project, ISH; Initiated Diabetes & GDM Prevalence Study
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise:
Diabetes; Hypertension; Practicing Well-being