
Quebec Governor's Newsletter November 2024

Quebec Chapter Banner

Isabelle Hébert, MD, FRCPC, FACP, ACP Governor

Isabelle Hébert, MD, FRCPC, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

Hello everyone!

What a beautiful and busy autumn we're having! And we were able to enjoy all the colors at our ASMIQ-ACP Quebec Chapter Meeting on October 11-13 at l'Estérel Hotel! It was an enchanting location to learn more about infectious diseases and to keep us in shape with the many outdoor activities the Laurentians have to offer!

Dr. Matthew Cheng, this year's ACP Quebec Chapter speaker, brought us up to date on the latest in the investigation, treatment and research of Staph. aureus bacteremia. The ACP Town Hall and Reception Saturday evening gave us a chance to network and catch up with friends!


On Sunday, we honoured Dr. Donald Echenberg, who was awarded the ACP Quebec Chapter's Leader Award for his dedication and great contribution to the ACP and his lifetime of teaching in internal medicine. We also presented the Resident of the Year Award to Dr. Elie Zeidan, for his much-appreciated involvement within our Chapter.

Dr. Donald Echenberg
Dr. Elie Zeidan

The Ontario Chapter and the CSIM held their annual meeting October 16-19 in Hamilton and offered a Doctor's Dilemma session. Our team from Mc Gill, Dr. Jad Alkass, Dr. Dean Noutsios, Dr. Owen Luo, competed and took second place!

L-R: Dr. Jad Alkass, Dr. Dean Noutsios, Dr. Owen Luo

As a resident member, if you'd like to participate in the National Doctor's Dilemma at the ACP's annual meeting in , email me at ihebert@telus.net The Quebec Chapters offers travel grants to help cover expenses! Fifth year residents, unfortunately, are not eligible.

We'll also have a great wellness event for you in 2025 – stay tuned!

Enjoy the end of autumn and the beginning of winter!




Climate and Health: How Diet Can Help
November 19 – 7:00pm Eastern Time

Early Career Physicians: Triaging Financial Priorities
November 20, 2024 – 7:30pm Eastern Time

Early Career Physicians: A Systemic Approach to Addressing Professional Self-Doubt in Medicine
January 15, 2025 – 7:30pm Eastern Time



ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2025

April 3-5 2025 New Orleans
Register and book your hotel today!

Use our official housing partner, , to narrow down your preferred hotels and best rates. And take advantage of ACP's .




The ACP Quebec Chapter and CASH (Coalition for the Acquisition of Sound Habits) are joining forces to promote outdoor activity this winter amongst members.

Stay tuned for more information, but in the meantime, dust off your skis, boots, snowshoes, skates, or the gear of your choice. Don't be left on the couch this winter!





  • Did you know that the ACP is highly involved in advocacy?
  • Keep up to date with the ACP Advocate Newsletter.
  • There are many resolutions brought forth for consideration by the Board of Governors.
  • We encourage members to visit /node/29027 and send me your feedback to ihebert@telus.net




  • Becoming a FACP ® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements in medicine.
  • Know a Chapter Member deserving of advancement to Fellowship or Mastership? Nominate them! Or contact me personally at ihebert@telus.net




  • Be a part of our vibrant chapter!
  • There are many volunteer opportunities for members, residents, and students – please email me directly at ihebert@telus.net




  • Enhance Your Personal Well-being – the ACP is committed to providing resources and support to help improve the well-being of its members.
  • Patient and Interprofessional Education
  • ACP Connect App â€“ On-the-go access to the latest ACP news, information, tools and resources, and is an easy way to connect and engage with your colleagues!
  • ACP JournalWise – searches and filters the most recent articles from the top 120 medical journals.
  • ACP Journal Club â€“ a summary of the best new evidence for internal medicine from over 120 clinical journals.
  • ACP Clinical Guidelines â€“ providing recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform when there is no evidence; and finally, to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
  • ¶Ù²â²Ô²¹²Ñ±ð»å±ð³æ® - ACP members have free access to the most current, evidence-based clinical decision support tool.


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