
Quebec Governor's Newsletter December 2019

Quebec Chapter Banner

Bert A Govig, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Bert A Govig, MD, FACP, ACP Governor



As I watched the recent Canadian federal elections, I was thankful that we have a short election cycle here in Canada – a month seems plenty long to explore what politicians promise to do to reform health care, bolster the economy, combat climate change, and promote diversity.

During our recent elections, I had the pleasure of attending an ACP Board meeting in Tucson as well as the CSIM Annual Meeting in Halifax. What struck me about both of these meetings was that the topics that kept bubbling to the service were:

  • Health care system reform
  • Poverty and economic inequality and their effects on health
  • Climate change and its effects on health
  • Diversity in the medical work force and its impact on care
  • Social status and identity as determinants of health

It took me a while to digest the fact that politicians and physicians have converged on the same discussion points, but I concluded that it is a VERY POSITIVE thing that physicians are vitally concerned about the societal and behavioural issues that drive so many of our health care issues. Over 100 years ago Abraham Flexner said, “The physician's function is fast becoming social and preventative, rather than individual and curative.” As I age, these social dimensions of our profession interest me even more than debating which anti-platelet drug to give (in all due respect to my cardiology friends ;-), and I am encouraged to see that my younger colleagues have embraced social dimension of the profession much earlier than I did.

The ACP is the largest international medical organization in the world with just shy of 160,000 members. They are arguably the standard setter with respect to identifying, researching, and pushing the dialogue on these larger social issues that affect patients everywhere. My colleague Dr. Matt Hollon, ACP Governor from Washington State, and an avid public health advocate, likes to describe the ACP as the conscience of medicine. This is an apt description – the items that the Board of Governors discusses, debates and ultimately votes on are almost all big picture, structural or societal issues that likely concern anyone practicing medicine anywhere on the planet. Issues such as:

  • Training standards
  • Collaboration between physicians and other health care providers
  • Violence and conflict resolution & firearm regulations and management
  • Excessive heat exposure and health
  • Ethical issues relating to social media and the profession
  • Gender and identity issues and their impacts on medical practice and care.

The ACP brings impressive resources to the table – any concrete action on these issues (conducting a focus group, a study, writing a white paper, creating a policy, or guideline) costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The ACP is a fantastic asset for all of us because they have the resources and the mission to carry out that work. One of their greatest assets, and the source of their authenticity, is their large and diverse international membership covering the gamut of Internal Medicine. When the ACP speaks, their voice is credible because it is informed and inspired not by politicians seeking votes, but by internists across the globe who raise their voices, with no financial or personal gain, on behalf of their patients.

The ACP Québec Chapter is surprisingly strong, given our cultural and linguistic differences. Clearly there is value in the educational resources that the ACP offers, however, I suspect that many of you, like me, also appreciate being a part of a larger, international group that takes on the thorny social issues in medicine. One of my goals is to elevate the voice of Québec in that dialogue and future editions of this newsletter will actively seek out your opinions – stay tuned!

Wishing you all the best of the holiday season!




I am proud to announce that our Chapter has once again received an ACP Chapter Excellence Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Linda Snell for being the recipient the ACP Quebec Chapter Laureate Award for Distinguished Service.


(L-R): Bert Govig, MD, FACP Governor ACP-QC; Linda Snell, MD, MACP Past Governor ACP-QC; Robert McLean, MD, FACP, ACP President.







ACP Quebec Chapter and ASMIQ Meeting / Inter-University Day
June 12-14, 2020
Gatineau, QC

Reception hosted by the six ACP Canadian Chapters!
Friday, April 24, 2020 from 6:00-8:00pm
1230 S. Olive Street
Los Angeles CA 90015

ACP Quebec Chapter Annual Meeting
In collaboration with the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine and ASMIQ
October 14-17, 2020
Quebec City, QC




ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2020
April 23-25, 2020 Los Angeles, CA
To save, register by January 31st!

Join your Canadian colleagues in LA for a complimentary reception hosted by the six ACP Canadian Chapters!
Friday, April 24, 2020 from 6:00-8:00pm
1230 S. Olive Street
Los Angeles CA 90015

ACP Quebec Chapter and ASMIQ Meeting / Inter-University Day
June 12-14, 2020
Gatineau, QC

ACP Quebec Chapter Annual Meeting
In collaboration with the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine and ASMIQ
October 14-17, 2020
Quebec City, QC

ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2021
April 29-May 1, 2021
Orlando, FL

ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2022
April 28-30, 2022
Chicago, IL




Did you know that the ACP is highly involved in advocacy? Keep up to date with the ACP Advocate Newsletter.

There are many resolutions brought forth for consideration by the Board of Governors. We encourage members to visit www.acponline.org/advocacy and send your feedback to bert.acpcanada@gmail.com The Canadian Governors have the opportunity to discuss and vote on resolutions and policy during annual meetings of the Board of Governors.




Or contact me personally at bert.acpcanada@gmail.com





Jean-Paul Makhzoum, MD, FACP


Yiorgos Alexandros Cavayas, MD

Noemie Chessex, MDCM

Catherine Miville, MD




Be an active part of this chapter! There are many volunteer opportunities on various committees – email me at bert.acpcanada@gmail.com

Follow the ACP Canadian Chapters on Twitter!
