
Meet the new Governor-elect Designee - Bangladesh Chapter

Congratulations to the Bangladesh Chapter Governor-elect Designee (GED), Md Mujibur Rahman, MBBS, MD, FCPS, FACP. Our new GED will complete a year of training as a Governor-elect and start their four-year term as Governor in the Spring of 2026. As Governor, Dr. Rahman will serve as the official representative of the College for our Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. In the meantime, Dr. Rahman will be working closely with Dr. Azad (the current governor) and College staff to learn about the College and their duties as Governor. To learn more about the new GED, read their bio below.

Md Mujibur Rahman, MBBS, MD, FCPS, FACP

Medical School Education: Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons; University of Dhaka

Post-Doctoral Training: I trained in internal medicine from 1988 to 1991 at Dhaka Medical College as an assistant registrar and registrar as a prerequisite for the fellowship in internal medicine from the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS). After being qualified as a fellow in internal medicine, I worked as a postgraduate registrar in the same institute from 1992 to 1994.

Board Certifications: After completing the training in internal Medicine, I qualified for the fellowship in internal medicine in January 1992 from BCPS, which is named as FCPS (Fellow of the College of Physicians and surgeons). I earned my MD in internal medicine from the University of Dhaka in 2001 (in Bangladesh, MD is a postgraduate degree after MBBS).

Present Employment Position: Professor of Medicine

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Member, Advisory Council (The council meets regularly to guide the activities of the Chapter); Chairman, Research Committee (This year our chapter awarded 2 residents and 2 early career physicians with a research grant)

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2005; Ñî¹óåú´«Ã½ 2002; Awardee, International Fellowship Exchange Program 2006 (I worked in the department of rheumatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston)

Other Appointments/Activities: Life Member, Bangladesh Medical Association; Vice President, Association of Physicians of Bangladesh; Vice President, Bangladesh Rheumatology Society; Elected Councilor, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons; Conduct weekly medical services for the deprived community in my rural village; Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Popular Medical College since 2023; Professor of Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 2020-2022; Professor and Head of Medicine, Dhaka Medical College 2016-2020; Controller of Examinations, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 2019-2021

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Clinical Trials - conducted several trials in Bangladesh; Epidemiological Studies - involved in national surveys of NCDs risk factors in Bangladesh as principal investigators; A reputable clinical teacher